Archive for June, 2010

Lets Talk about Money

03 Jun

I like talking about money and finances. It’s an area that interests me greatly, and it bugs me that as families, that we don’t talk about money more. I get that parents don’t want kids to worry about where the next meal is coming from, but once they are older, how are they supposed to understand balancing a checkbook, budgeting, credit cards, if their parents never teach them?

I never want to seem like I am bragging or whining when talking about our financial situation. I just want to learn for other people, and maybe help them learn something, too.

Not writing every day

02 Jun

I must get better at writing daily. 100 words is not that many. And once you get used to the format and length, not that difficult to end up at exactly 100 words. I can now eyeball a piece and know if I’m going to be over or not and even have a good guess of how many words I’ll need to remove.

But I’m still not writing every day. I can kind of give myself a pass on the weekends when things get really busy, but weeknights, I’m already in front of the computer. I resolve to do better.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words