Archive for the ‘Finances’ Category


03 Oct

I’ve decided to get braces. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I put it off while I was job hunting in case I changed insurance. But now that I’m in my new position I have moved forward.

As it turns out, I have another decision to make. I have a major overbite, which to fix would require surgery to break, reset my jaw and change my facial profile. Doing it now would have in covered under the same deductible (I think), but if I’m going to have elective surgery, I’ve got a kneecap that needs to be replaced…

Spending money

18 Aug

We are incapable of going to Frys and not spending money. We just are. And I’m not talking about the money we go there intending to spend. Oh no, even when we’re just going to look, there’s always something that we realize we need while we’re there.

I don’t regret the purchases; I just wish I was better at planning for them. I should know that if we’re going to Frys, we are going to spend at least $50, likely more. Maybe I need to work that in as a budget item: Frys visit once every two months, cost $100

The little things

12 Aug

Years ago, before we were dating, my husband and I were rough housing and he broke my watch. It was the night he realized he was in love with me. He bought me a watch for my college graduation, and I wore it every day for 8 years, until I lost it.

Since then, I’ve had trouble finding a watch I liked that didn’t cause a skin reaction and worked reliably. Earlier this week, my husband had the car for the afternoon. He spent two months of his spending “allowance” (we both have them) to buy me a new watch.

Running the numbers

15 Jul

A friend of mine just got a job offer where compensation is base plus commission. Since she is in sales, this is pretty standard. Since she is the primary earner in her family, though, it can be a bit scary.

The company has given her two offers. The first with a low (especially for her) base, but a high commission percentage. The second offer has a much higher base (still not what she had been making) but a significantly lower commission percentage.

I ran the numbers to find the break even point, and I have to say, play the percentages.

Another Money Rant

06 Jul

According to Miss Manners, it is vulgar to discuss money. I’ve said it before- this attitude is what gets us into financial messes (personal and nationwide). You can’t make a good decision in a vacuum. But if no one discusses finances because it is vulgar or rude, then no one can make an informed decision.

I do not go around telling everyone how much I make or telling people how to manager their money, but if you want to have a conversation about it, I’m game. We have to talk about money if we’re going to make smart money decisions.

Financial Moral Support

04 Jun

Late last year, as part of our resolution to get our finances under control, I joined the Women in Red message boards over at The (mostly) women on these boards provide moral support, good advice, and help hold me accountable to our financial goals.

I am an active member on two boards, the West Region Racers, which is all about paying down debt, and the Controlled/No Spend board, which is about sticking to your budget and finding those little leaks in your spending. Both are helping me to stay focused on long term goals and allow the occasional rant.

Lets Talk about Money

03 Jun

I like talking about money and finances. It’s an area that interests me greatly, and it bugs me that as families, that we don’t talk about money more. I get that parents don’t want kids to worry about where the next meal is coming from, but once they are older, how are they supposed to understand balancing a checkbook, budgeting, credit cards, if their parents never teach them?

I never want to seem like I am bragging or whining when talking about our financial situation. I just want to learn for other people, and maybe help them learn something, too.

My own stupidity

17 May

Twice recently I have had to come to terms with my dumb mistakes. First, I cancelled my timeshare reservations 1 day too late (not getting a full refund). Second, I bought a new pair of $120 shoes- without trying them on. They are the same brand, same size, same style that I currently have. The only difference, they’re patent leather. Patent leather doesn’t stretch very well and the new shoes are too tight across the tops of my feet, causing bruising. Now I have to take them back and see if I can exchange them for the non-patent leather version.

Silver Linings

14 May

My husband was laid off a year ago. Today, we are better off financially than we were then. This is not a story of a get rich quick scheme, taking internet surveys, or doing direct sales. The only income he has had is unemployment.

How did we do it? We put ourselves on a budget. We powered through credit card debt, then the car payment (which was our biggest non-mortgage mortgage bill) to pay it off. I got my first raise in two years (despite earning an MBA in the interim), and now we can live on my salary alone.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words