Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

My Favorite Season

12 Sep

Fall is my favorite season, just like the waning crescent is my favorite phase of the moon. There’s something calming about the shortening of days, cooler weather, and picking apples from the trees in the yard to make pie. It’s a joy, once again, to have my dogs curled up right next to me, or even on top of me.

The summer is too hot, too bright; winter too cold and dark; spring is full of life and excitement. Fall is peace for me, the reminder that everything comes to an end, and there is a beauty to it all.

What conversation am I in?

10 Sep

I like message boards. They give me a chance to talk to people I would never meet in real life. I also miss speech and debate, so I often enter in to arguments where I know I’m outnumbered.

I don’t expect anyone to come through to my way of thinking, but I would at least like coherent conversation or debate. Every once in a while, I feel like I’m a guest on the Colbert Report. I’m talking about one thing and everyone else is talking about something only tangentially related. For my own sanity, I have to leave the conversation.


11 Aug

As someone who has been on both sides of tech support calls, I know how much people hate hearing the question “Have you rebooted?” or pressed reset, or whatever it takes to make the device go through its standard protocols.

But it does fix things, as I was reminded of once again this morning. Last night, my phone decided that it couldn’t get a signal. It could- the phone was connecting and I could hear the other side, but they couldn’t hear me. Same problem this morning. So, I popped out the battery and popped it back in. All fixed.

Organization (or the lack thereof)

01 Aug

At work, I am completely organized. I know where everything is (even if its that pile of papers over there waiting for me to get to them.) At home, I let chaos reign. But for the most part, I would still say that I know where everything important is. Until today.

I have a spiffy new office where I thought I would finally get to frame and display my degrees. And two days ago, I would have told you I knew where both were. Today, I have found 2 copies of my BA, but the MBA is missing in action.

Ask your grandfather, he’s a kernel

20 Jun

I know that colonel is spelled, well, colonel, because my grandfather is, in fact, a colonel. But when it comes to the opportunity for a good (bad) pun, correct spelling never stopped my father.

The corn jokes started at the dinner table one night when my brother, instead of eating his corn on the cob, stood it up on the plate and declared it the “Leaning Tower of Corn.” Not a good joke or even a good pun by any stretch of the imagination. But it got my father started.

For years afterward, corn for dinner also meant corny puns.

Alternate Historical Theories

15 Jun

We were watching one of those random History Channel shows on how ancient human civilizations were actually built using alien technology. As I am in a contrary mood, here are a couple things I would like to point out to their “experts”:

1)      “It was hard, so obviously they had something that made it easy” is not proof. I’m not certain it’s even a theory.

2)      Storytelling has been around since humans began to talk. Just because something is written in an ancient text does not make it “true”. Believe it or not, Jules Verne did not invent science fiction.

Busy Weekends

23 May

We have standing plans every weekend. Right now, every other Saturday we have a 14th level D&D game run by a friend. On Sundays of the off weeks, my husband runs a 17th level D&D game. He’s currently considering starting a ShadowRun game to run on the Sundays he’s not running D&D. So that would be every other weekend with a game on both days.

On top of this, we have to take his mom shopping.

I love spending time with our friends and playing in the games, but I think I might start needing a weekend from my weekends.

the format

30 Apr

I ramble. Occasionally, I ramble so much that I scrap everything I write. My goal with this blog is to update it every day. In order to do so, I need to manage my expectations for myself. Given these two “facts” about myself, I decided on a 100 word format for the blog.

100 words is short enough that I can reasonably expect myself to write every day. But it is also concise enough that I will have to get to my point. I will need to be careful not to exceed my limit.

And that’s it, in 100 Words.


30 Apr

I am in my mid-30s, married for 7 years, 2 dogs, living in the greater Seattle area.

I have a BA in History from UNR, and an MBA from PLU.

I am the primary earner in my household. I currently work as a departmental analyst at a major managed healthcare organization.

I am a writer. I have 2 post graduate certificates in writing fiction. I have had one short story published online, and have edited and published a book of 100 word micro-fiction stories inspired by my brother’s photographs.

I am a gamer. I play WOW and Dungeons & Dragons.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words