Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Hello world!

16 Aug

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Science Content: Invisibility Cloak

03 Aug

Invisibility cloak? Who’s spying on me, I wonder.

Actually, I have to ask, does the invisibility cloak actually work when something is placed on top of it? Because the size of object we are talking about (smaller than a hair) I can make invisible with any cloak or blanket or whatever by throwing one over it. The object is too small for the human eye to discern it under something bulkier.

Not that I am mocking. I actually think this is really cool technology, and I hope these folks get the funding, time, and bodies they need to do more.


30 May

Today is Memorial Day, a day for remembering our fallen soldiers, police officers, and firefighters- really anyone who has died in the line of service. I honor the memories of every one of those men and women.

Given the recent death of my grandmother, though, today I also want to remember those who served in a different way- the wives and husbands of those who go off to fight, protect our cities, and put out the flames. Thank you for taking care of those who take care of us. Your sacrifices make their possible, and I, for one, am grateful.

I blame…me

05 Apr

I really should have written this morning’s entry last night, but I was feeling lazy and just went to bed. Then, this morning, I started a new morning routine which has me up a half hour earlier in order to go on a short walk/jog. Since that takes less than 15 minutes, I surely had time to type up 100 words. Alas, I forgot. I’d like to blame the routine, but as I’m the one who designed it, all of its failures are mine.

So, here’s your rambling post for the day. I promise to have something actually interesting tomorrow.

Being Who I Am

02 Feb

“Be who you are, and be that well.” St Francis de Sales

In some areas, I think I live this, but in others, I know I do not. I don’t always let myself focus on the parts of myself that don’t serve others. I always figure I will have time to get back to those dreams and goals later. But that’s not being me, and certainly not being me in the best way I can.

So its time for some self-evaluation, to figure out who I am as a complete person, to be that person, and to be it well.


I’m Late

27 Dec

For the first time in a long time, I’m late with a daily update. I apologize. I blame the post holiday hangover. I’m back at work, back on a regular schedule, so, obviously, falling off the schedule for something else.

It was hard to get up this morning. My dogs had gotten so used to sleeping in, that neither of them got up with me this morning. The little one did not even wake up. The big one looked at me like I was crazy, thumped his tail when I gave him a pat, and went right back to sleep.


22 Nov

November has been a month of fail.

For the first time in quite a while, I didn’t get a post up at 8am this morning- FAIL.

I also have not worked on my novella for more than fifteen minutes this entire month. That half hour a day that was my goal- FAIL.

We’re over budget on groceries and eating out- FAIL.

My mother-in-law’s washer just died, so it looks like we need to buy her a new one- FAIL

It took 20 minutes to fill up the gas tank on the car yesterday- FAIL

Can it be December already, please?

Xenophobic Marketing

20 Nov

Is xenophobia really a marketing platform?

There’s a commercial that’s been running for a few months for a local company. It advertises that it is a local company and that is supports local charities. I appreciate both of these things, and at this point, I’m on board.

But, they warn me, if I don’t ask specifically for their product, I might get a product that was made by a “foreign company” that supports “foreign causes”. (This company employs people in our state.)

And… They’ve lost me. Especially since they show the foreign company supporting more causes than the local one.


03 Nov

I’m upgrading my computer. Except that my computer is so old that we’re building me a new one. We thought we would be able to use one of the old cases we have around, but it turns out the power supply was too old school for the new video card. So tonight we went and bought a new case with power supply. Of course, it is still not working, so we don’t know if the motherboard or video card is DOA, or if connections are just messed up. None of it matters anyway, because my new OS hasn’t arrived yet.


Saying Goodbye

29 Oct

This is the last time I will hear the familiar click of acrylic on keys. After over 12 years of nearly continuous wear, I am removing my acrylic nails.

In Reno, where air-brushing was part of the deal, I would get fantastical designs. Come Halloween, I’d have a witch flying across a moon over a nighttime cityscape on every nail. Recently, its been French manicures, but with color.

But I no longer have desire I once had to maintain them the way they should be. So I am saying goodbye to my nails. I will miss them, but its time.

100 Words On

topics explored in exactly 100 words