The Dog Ate My Wallet

The Dog Ate My Wallet

Personal Finance in a World of Excuses

Author Archive: Erin Shanendoah


Sunday Evening Post #97

When it comes to the goals listed in this post, it’s going to look like I should just write the month of May off as a total failure. But personally, I’m counting May as a resounding success. It was our first month of parenthood. We managed a family road trip that included the dogs. I have spent the entire month unemployed and not driven anyone crazy, plus have had some solid interviews. Blog goals and writingread more…


Confession of a Breadwinner Mother

There’s a new study out now that says in 40% of homes where there are children, the wife is the primary breadwinner. According to some pundits, this apparently signals the end of the world as we know it. It will destroy marriage and families and is responsible for the downfall of this country. (Or something along those lines.) Since we added SP to our family one month ago, we are now one of those 40%. Iread more…


Pre-Interview Routine

I have an interview in the morning. That means that tonight, I went through my pre-interview routine. It’s not that I purposely went about setting up a pre-interview routine, more that I simply realized I have one. First, I have to try on what I am planning on wearing. I have to like it. C has to like it. I have to feel professional and confident in it. Once I decided that I have the rightread more…


Sunday Evening Post #96

I’m not doing a regular Sunday evening post this week, mostly because I am too exhausted. We took a long awaited trip to the full sized Stonehenge replica in central, southern Washington this weekend. It also happens to be a WWI memorial. The trip involved 4 people and 2 dogs, one of the 65 cloudy days in this part of WA a year (meaning the trip to the observatory was a bust), a tire with aread more…


What I’m Reading: Road Trip Edition

While you are reading this, we will be road tripping to the full size concrete Stonehenge replica/WWI memorial in Maryhill, WA. In addition, we will be heading to the Goldendale Observatory (one of the largest public telescopes in the country) to star gaze tomorrow night. Basically, I will not have internet access for a little over 24 hours, as our entire household (me, C, J, SP, and June and Larry) takes a road trip. So whileread more…


Twenty-Three Days In

I know this is a personal finance blog, but tonight we’re going to hit on the “personal” much more than usual. In fact, here’s the whole financial connection – kids cost money. I have been a parent for a whole 23 days now. It’s not a lot of time, and I know it. And I’m starting at a very different point than most people- with a nine year old, who has been through things that noread more…


The Universe is Hitting Me Over the Head

Earlier today, I was positive I was going to get this post written and scheduled to post “on time”. We can see how well that turned out. Because I had time. Well, I thought I had time, but then I needed to apply for some jobs, and the rain stopped long enough for me to get the other half of the side yard mowed. And then it was time to pick SP up from school, afterread more…


Sunday Evening Post #95

We did not go to CostCo or the grocery store 4+ times this week. I am calling that a win. My interview on Tuesday went well. On Friday night, the universe decided to pound it into my brain that yes, I really do need to be networking on this job search. And today, my writing group, which is filled with amazing people, gave us our first “family” gift – a family membership to the aquarium. Itread more…


Stock Market Project – Month 5

Turns out that back in mid-March, Zipcar was bought out by the Avis group.  Oops, there goes one of my stocks. I never saw any news on how that was handled, so basically, I decided that I had sold it at it’s last value, and was not charged transaction fee. I don’t know if that is how it would actually work, but that’s how I’m playing it. My “smaller” stocks are actually doing quite well. EAread more…


My Credit Card is My Friend

Maybe a month or so ago, I mentioned in passing that C and I got the CostCo American Express card. We had gotten by without one for over 10 years, so it wasn’t necessarily a need, but I knew I wanted to purchase the laptop and that we would be getting him glasses. We could have afforded either without putting it on a card, as long as we moved money from savings, and since they wereread more…