The Universe is Hitting Me Over the Head

DSCF2169Earlier today, I was positive I was going to get this post written and scheduled to post “on time”. We can see how well that turned out. Because I had time. Well, I thought I had time, but then I needed to apply for some jobs, and the rain stopped long enough for me to get the other half of the side yard mowed. And then it was time to pick SP up from school, after which, we swung by Trader Joes for oatmeal and Papa Murphys for a pizza. Then we took the dogs to the dog park. Back at home, it was time for homework, making dinner, and getting the dishwasher loaded. Then we ate. After dinner, we practiced spelling words for tomorrow’s spelling test while SP did my hair. Bath time came next, followed by watching a movie as a family, brushing teeth, and finally, bed time tongue twisters, hugs, and lights out. And now, I finally have time to sit down and write this post.

Which is when I realized that for the second time in less than a week, the universe is hitting me over the head with something, and perhaps I should pay attention. In this case, it is to go easy on myself. I do not need to hold myself to a strict 4:30pm PDT posting time. As long as I get a post up sometime before 8am Wednesday or Friday mornings, I am going to consider myself to be “on time”.

What does this mean for my readers? It means you should probably plan on reading new content here Wednesday and Friday mornings instead of Tuesday and Thursday evenings. But I think a lot of you might do that anyway.

What was the other thing the universe hit me over the head with recently? Something much more relevant to this blog- the need to network in my current job search.

I have written about how this is the hard part for me. It’s not that I think networking doesn’t work. I know it does. I have helped a number of people get jobs. But I have never gotten a job through networking, and, I am a “typical female” in the sense that it is hard for me to ask for myself. I have no problems asking for other people,

However, on Friday, I had my meeting with my career coach and we once again talked about networking. So I came home and posted about applying to Valve, and I also sent an email through LinkedIn to the venture capitalist I am connected to.

It turned out the venture capitalist was actually looking for someone to do administrative operations here in Seattle, though not quite at my skill level. And, one of my friends happens to have a relative who has been at Valve since its startup days, and she offered to put my cover letter and resume directly in front of him.

Contact from both of these people came within hours of me reaching out on Friday night. And yes, it felt like the universe was hitting me over the head. Even though I know one isn’t going to work out, and Valve is a long shot for me, it is still a reminder that it won’t hurt me to ask. It will help me to ask. And I am not the only person who likes to help their friends find jobs.

So the universe is hitting me over the head, and I am going to listen. Posts will go up when they go up, and I am going to keep mentioning to friends that I am looking for work, and where I am looking for work. I may get a new job that way; I may not. But it never hurts to ask. Worst anyone can say is no.