The Dog Ate My Wallet

The Dog Ate My Wallet

Personal Finance in a World of Excuses


Test Taking

I take my test for the Certified Supply Chain Professional certification tomorrow.

I am very good at tests, and I feel very comfortable with the information I have studied. However, I do not currently feel like I have studied all the material that will be covered on the test. This means I am a little stressed and still focusing on studying.

This test is NOT inexpensive, and while re-taking it is less expensive, it’s still a few hundred dollars.  So, this is all your getting. I’m going back to my books and websites.


Sunday Evening Post #91

051I acknowledge that this post is going up late enough on Sunday night, that for some of my readers, it is actually Monday morning.

This last week was not hugely productive for me. But hopefully I got my “bum” week out of the way, and I will be able to be more productive with my time from now on. However, the first few days of this coming week will be focused on studying for my professional certification. I take the test for my Certified Supply Chain Professional designation on Wednesday afternoon, so I’ve been pretty focused on studying for the last couple of days, and will continue to do so right up until the test.



The purpose of these two goals is, yes, to grow my blogs, but also to support and highlight blogs and bloggers I enjoy. Just like I will be posting 2 new to me blogs every week in my round ups, the point here is to draw attention to blogs that others might not be familiar with. (Blog swaps will not count toward either of these goals.)

Write one guest post per month.

January- yes

February- yes

March- no

Publish one guest post per month.

January- yes

February- no

March- no

March was a failure. I’ll see if I can get myself back on track in April.



Writing fiction is my side hustle, though I have yet to make any money from it. I’ve found that I devote much more time to the blogs than I do my fiction, though, because I am on a schedule. I feel accountable to my readers to get posts up when I say I will. And because I am a procrastinator, deadlines are a must for me. I get the energy I need to work on something from an impending deadline.

I am hoping to transfer the power of those two things- accountability and deadlines, to my fiction this year.

Submit at least one piece to a paying venue per month.

December: Yes (rejected)

January: Yes (rejected)

February: Yes x4 (2 rejections)

March: No

Complete the first draft of my novella and start edits.

Over 800 words written in 1 hour today.



A lot of financial goals will actually end up as floating goals- ie they will be things I expect to complete well before the year is out. But I do have some long term financial goals that I think will work for year-long tracking.

Create and track a practice stock portfolio. The post went up on Tuesday. So far, I am still “up”, but not as much as I was last month.

End the year “on budget” in the categories I’m tracking.

April Numbers


On Budget









Eating Out



Allowance – E



Allowance – C




I have not paid the credit card bill yet. However, this week was full of eating out, and we’ll be going out again next weekend. This was all planned, as it is a time of many birthdays among our group of friends, but our eating out in April feels pretty ridiculous. For May we’ll be trying a no eating out challenge (with a built in exception for a friend who just lost her father).



Floating Goals

Earn my Certified Supply Chain Professional designation. I have the test scheduled for Wednesday, April 24.

Find a new job. I have had a couple of phone interviews and should be hearing in the next week or so about scheduling in person interviews.

Rebuild savings to $5-10k. We’re up to $4,795, and another $1k is scheduled to go into savings next week.

Replace all the windows in the house. We got the information for the vendor Direct Buy contracts with for window replacement. Next step will be to get someone out to give us a quote.

Fix the plumbing issues. We have a number of little plumbing issues all of which we really need to get fixed.

Get an Exterminator. I have ants in my kitchen and my bedroom. They need to go.

Publish new photography/flash fiction book. My artist is in. Now we just need to start working out the logistics. I will be back in contact with her this week and hopefully we’ll start working on it.

Refinance the house. DONE.


I Am Bad At This

Today is day 3 of my administrative leave. I know that’s much time, but I have already come to the conclusion that I am bad at this. I had this idea for how I was going to manage my time, for everything I was going to get done, and so far, not happening.

Blog posts have gone up late. I’ve done very little of my Coursera course work. I need to do a lot more studying for my CSCP test. I have applied to a few jobs, but haven’t really done any major job hunting. I have done NO writing.

I have taken the dogs to the dog park twice and gone to lunch with former co-workers. I have managed to keep my exercise schedule. I have also slept late and played around on my new laptop. Today, I’ll be doing some running around with C and J because we’re all home and we can. I also had a massage this morning.

I know I should not be too hard on myself. It’s only day 3. And I really should allow myself a bit of a vacation before I start holding myself to a strict schedule. But my concern is, I won’t be able to keep that strict schedule because I am the only one setting it. Unlike with blogging, there is no one else depending on whether or not I get some writing in, or if I get completely caught up on my web classes. It’s all me, and I can be pretty lenient with myself.

I am going to give myself tomorrow to continue to be a bit of a bum. But my CSCP exam is on Wednesday and I NEED to read through the book one more time and study some online materials, so that has got to be my focus over the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday (with exceptions for the plans that I already have in place for those days).

On some level, I can’t imagine I won’t pass the test- I test really well. But you need an 86% to get the certification and when I took the practice test after reading through the book once (granted that was done in a haphazard manner), I got a 60%- certainly not going to cut it.

So yeah, I’m bad at this, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let myself be bad at that test.


The Stock Market Project – Month 4

You know how I kept talking about doing analysis on my project based on my Computational Finance class? Not happening this month. Today was my first real day of administrative leave, and while I spent it productively (applying for jobs, watching lectures for a Coursera course, and going to the dog park), I barely managed to check the stock prices and to decide what new stock I wanted to invest in this month.

The new stock I decided on was Starbucks. I like what they do as a company, and they are a local company. The stock does run at almost $60 a share, so I was only able to pick up 4 shares, but that’s okay.

Otherwise, the only real news this month is that the stock market appears to be back down a bit from last month. I am still overall on the positive (a little less than $30), but that’s down from being up almost $60 last month. And three of my stocks seem to be converging on the same price point.

Stock Shares Buy Price Buy Value Transaction Cost Current Price Current Value Profit/(Loss)
LNVGY 5         19.22            96.10           7.00 17.59                   87.95 (15.15)
EA 9         13.77          123.93           7.00 17.37                156.33 25.40
BKS 9         13.40          120.60           7.00 17.07                153.63 26.03
ZIP 9         12.16          109.44           7.00 12.25                110.25 (6.19)
GLUU 25           2.29            57.25           7.00 2.87                   71.75 7.50
AMZN 1      273.63          273.63           7.00 272.34                272.34 (8.29)
SBUX 4 58.56 234.24           7.00 58.56 234.24 (7.00)
TOTAL      $  1,015.19      $        1,086.49  $    22.30

april stocksAmazon and Starbucks aren’t on this graph because their prices are so much higher than the others.


Sunday Evening Post #90

Today I finally pulled the trigger and bought myself a new laptop. I have been wanting one for a while, and CostCo had a great deal, so boom- new laptop. My intent is for this laptop to replace my desktop- eventually. I have to move everything over, which may take me a while (well, not really once I set up a shared folder on th009e laptop, but still…)

Other than that, it’s been a fairly quiet week on the home front. Next week, I start the barely working part of my schedule between now and May 3. I’m working 6 hours on Monday and then will likely not go into the office again next week. I’ll check my email a couple times a day, and that’s about it.

Because of this, I am trying to set myself a schedule here at home so that I have some productivity and don’t spend the whole day playing Bejeweled Blitz or WoW or something else along those lines. I want to try and get some writing done and maybe, just maybe, apply for some jobs.



The purpose of these two goals is, yes, to grow my blogs, but also to support and highlight blogs and bloggers I enjoy. Just like I will be posting 2 new to me blogs every week in my round ups, the point here is to draw attention to blogs that others might not be familiar with. (Blog swaps will not count toward either of these goals.)

Write one guest post per month.

January- yes

February- yes

March- no

Publish one guest post per month.

January- yes

February- no

March- no

March was a failure. I’ll see if I can get myself back on track in April.



Writing fiction is my side hustle, though I have yet to make any money from it. I’ve found that I devote much more time to the blogs than I do my fiction, though, because I am on a schedule. I feel accountable to my readers to get posts up when I say I will. And because I am a procrastinator, deadlines are a must for me. I get the energy I need to work on something from an impending deadline.

I am hoping to transfer the power of those two things- accountability and deadlines, to my fiction this year.

Submit at least one piece to a paying venue per month.

December: Yes (rejected)

January: Yes (rejected)

February: Yes x4 (2 rejections)

March: No

Complete the first draft of my novella and start edits.

I am working on something to submit in April, and I’m looking at creating myself a writing schedule once I’m not going in to work every day. This is mostly because I need something productive to do and also because I feel like I am behind where I want to be with both the short stories and the novella.



A lot of financial goals will actually end up as floating goals- ie they will be things I expect to complete well before the year is out. But I do have some long term financial goals that I think will work for year-long tracking.

Create and track a practice stock portfolio. I promise – a new post will go up this week. We’ll see how much of my computational finance class analysis ends up there.

End the year “on budget” in the categories I’m tracking.

April Numbers


On Budget









Eating Out



Allowance – E



Allowance – C




Making our own dog food is now out the window.

However, we did sign up for the CostCo American Express card, and my new plan is going to be to put ALL grocery expenses on it and pay it twice a month. We’ll see how that works.



Floating Goals

Earn my Certified Supply Chain Professional designation. I have the test scheduled for Wednesday, April 24.

Find a new job. I have had a couple of phone interviews and should be hearing in the next week or so about scheduling in person interviews.

Rebuild savings to $5-10k. We’re up to $3,100, and another $2k is scheduled to go into savings in April.

Replace all the windows in the house. We got the information for the vendor Direct Buy contracts with for window replacement. Next step will be to get someone out to give us a quote.

Fix the plumbing issues. We have a number of little plumbing issues all of which we really need to get fixed.

Get an Exterminator. I have ants in my kitchen and my bedroom. They need to go.

Publish new photography/flash fiction book. My artist is in. Now we just need to start working out the logistics. I will be back in contact with her this week and hopefully we’ll start working on it.

Refinance the house. DONE.


I am Getting a Bonus

Today’s post should have been my stock project update, but I haven’t had the time to do the analysis of it that I want to, so instead, you get to hear a little more about my lay off planning.

I found out earlier this week that my current employer will be paying out bonuses related to 2012. Those of us whose positions have been selected for elimination will still be receiving that bonus. Through a bit of complicated math, mine is coming out to right around $1,900 before taxes and will be paid on my second April paycheck. The questions becomes, what do I do with this money?

Given that we are in a financially secure place, I don’t NEED to save this money to cover expenses while I look for work. It is a completely unexpected bit of money that I do not need to make the budget work. This gives us the freedom to do something fun with it, if we so choose.

A number of people, both on this blog and in “real life” have suggested C and I take a vacation, perhaps escape the clouds of the Pacific Northwest and go somewhere sunny. C isn’t taking classes at a brick and mortar school this quarter, so that could easily be accomplished. But where would we go? Most of the places we’ve talked about going to recently are places that we want to visit as family vacations, once we  have a placement. I keep trying to think if there is someplace we really want to go that would be best done as a couple versus as a family, but I am not coming up with anywhere. (Please remember that C and I both lived in Reno for a number of years, so Vegas and other adult oriented destinations don’t really appeal to us.)

If we don’t go on vacation, we could spend it on something fun. I’ve mentioned before that I really want a new laptop, one that could possibly be a desktop replacement for me (and then would allow us to replace my desk in our room with another bookshelf or perhaps a wardrobe). This would be more than enough to get exactly what I wanted and then some. We might even be able to get me the laptop that I want and get C a nice tablet. But again, this is not a need. It is very much a want. My current desk top and laptop both do exactly what they need to do, which is why I have not replaced them yet, despite really, really wanting to.

But then there is the practical side of me. As nice a little vacation sounds, as much as I want a new laptop, I am about to be out of a job, severance and unemployment notwithstanding. We need to get a plumber in to look at a number of small issues, and we need to call an exterminator as, after a two year hiatus, the ants are back in our kitchen and bedroom. This money could cover most, if not all, of that, without then having to eat into any of our other savings or income. However, we can afford both of those needs without the bonus money, so it’s not like we won’t get them done if we don’t spend this money on it.


At the moment, I am leaning toward getting myself the new laptop I want. But that’s because it’s a want I have had for a while. But until I actually pull the trigger and buy a new laptop, I honestly do not know if that’s what we will do or not.


Accepting that My Layoff is Not About Me

My boss is hoping that after this week, I only have to come into the office once or twice more. I had put together a schedule that had me in the office only three days next week, but she made a comment that I might not even need to come in that much. (I do need to come in Monday, I know that right now.)

The thing is, is that while I am the person who has been laid off, it’s not about me, at least not for my boss. It’s about the people who will still be here. I get that. It makes sense. I am leaving, but almost everyone else is staying, and their morale has to remain the priority for management.

I don’t mind coming in to the office (especially now that my hours are 9am-3pm). I like having something to do, and there is work I want to get done so that other people don’t have a ton of paperwork sitting on their desk just waiting for my last day. But the question is not is this easy and comfortable for me. It is about whether it is comfortable for the remaining staff. What does it do to their morale to see me every day knowing that I won’t be here much longer.

Last time around, we “made” staff come into work every day until their last day. This time, it has been decided that people can be on administrative leave until their last day and do not need to come into the office. The prolonged goodbye did not work very well, so now we’re experimenting with the sudden goodbye in many cases.

A few of the other people in my department who were let go were actually told they would not be coming back into the office. The announcement was made that their position was eliminated and that their last day was the very next day. In my case, because there is not one single person that my work will transition to, I am still a presence, until we can get the transition planned finalized and make sure everyone is trained and has the access they need. Until then, I’ll still be showing up in the office, at least once in a while.

It is interesting to see the lessons the company is learning as it goes through this process. And while I cannot bring myself to complain about being on administrative leave- paid for not coming in to work, and not having to use my PTO, it also runs counter to who I am. I like working. I like having somewhere to be. And it seems wrong to get paid specifically not to come to work.

But I also have to realize, no matter how much it’s about me to me, as far as the company is concerned, it’s not about me at all. It’s about the people who are staying.


Sunday Evening Post #89

003It has not been a good week. Tuesday, with the exception of a lovely birthday dinner with friends at our favorite Indian restaurant, was really one of the worst days I’ve ever had. It started with my finding out I need a root canal (the least awful of the awful things), and finished with making the decision to say goodbye to Howie dog.

I feel like there are a ton of things I need to do and that I just don’t have the energy to do them, because I certainly have time. This coming week may be the last one I’m actually expected to be in the office more than a couple of hours here and there. And yet, it seems like my to-do list is growing. I suppose it didn’t help that yesterday I felt miserable and pretty much spent the entire day in bed. Luckily, Junebug and Larry were willing to cuddle with me.



The purpose of these two goals is, yes, to grow my blogs, but also to support and highlight blogs and bloggers I enjoy. Just like I will be posting 2 new to me blogs every week in my round ups, the point here is to draw attention to blogs that others might not be familiar with. (Blog swaps will not count toward either of these goals.)

Write one guest post per month.

January- yes

February- yes

March- no

Publish one guest post per month.

January- yes

February- no

March- no

March was a failure. I’ll see if I can get myself back on track in April.



Writing fiction is my side hustle, though I have yet to make any money from it. I’ve found that I devote much more time to the blogs than I do my fiction, though, because I am on a schedule. I feel accountable to my readers to get posts up when I say I will. And because I am a procrastinator, deadlines are a must for me. I get the energy I need to work on something from an impending deadline.

I am hoping to transfer the power of those two things- accountability and deadlines, to my fiction this year.

Submit at least one piece to a paying venue per month.

December: Yes (rejected)

January: Yes (rejected)

February: Yes x4 (1 rejection)

Complete the first draft of my novella and start edits.

I am working on something to submit in April, and I’m looking at creating myself a writing schedule once I’m not going in to work every day. This is mostly because I need something productive to do and also because I feel like I am behind where I want to be with both the short stories and the novella.



A lot of financial goals will actually end up as floating goals- ie they will be things I expect to complete well before the year is out. But I do have some long term financial goals that I think will work for year-long tracking.

Create and track a practice stock portfolio. A new post will go up this week. We’ll see how much  of my computational finance class analysis ends up there.

End the year “on budget” in the categories I’m tracking.

April Numbers


On Budget









Eating Out



Allowance – E



Allowance – C




Making our own dog food is now out the window.

However, we did sign up for the CostCo American Express card, and my new plan is going to be to put ALL grocery expenses on it and pay it twice a month. We’ll see how that works.



Floating Goals

Earn my Certified Supply Chain Professional designation. I have the test scheduled for Wednesday, April 24.

Find a new job. I have had a couple of phone interviews and should be hearing in the next week or so about scheduling in person interviews.

Rebuild savings to $5-10k. We’re up to $3,100, and another $2k is scheduled to go into savings in April.

Replace all the windows in the house. We got the information for the vendor Direct Buy contracts with for window replacement. Next step will be to get someone out to give us a quote.

Fix the plumbing issues. We have a number of little plumbing issues all of which we really need to get fixed.

Publish new photography/flash fiction book. My artist is in. Now we just need to start working out the logistics.

Refinance the house. DONE.


Even If Money Were No Object…

010Late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, we said goodbye to our foster dog, Howie. He was an old dog with ever increasing health issues, though his actual decline was very sudden, and we weren’t quite prepared for it. The fact that he had only been with us for 14 months, and that he wasn’t “officially” ours did not make the decision any easier. The conversations were tear filled, and I will miss seeing him at the door waiting to be petted when I come home from work today.

This is the hardest part of loving pets. But yes, the 14 months we did have were worth 10 times the number of tears we cried.


004I will not lie and say money did not come up in our conversation about what to do, but perhaps not in the way you might think.

While the love and joy I get from our dogs is worth more than everything we’ve ever paid, I would be doing people a disservice if I did not say, pets cost money, and end of life decisions can cost a LOT of money. If you are thinking of getting a pet, make sure you think about how much money you’re willing to spend in one sitting, and what lengths you might go to for end of life care. If you are in a relationship, make sure you are both on the same page about this. Knowing your limits beforehand makes the whole process simpler in the moment.

Because C and I have pretty much always been on the same page about what we were willing to do for our pets, I am lucky to be able to say that money has never played a part in our decisions about what to do for our dogs. In the exact same circumstances, I would make the exact same decisions for each of the three we have lost since November 2009, regardless of the balance of our bank account.


Foster Dog Howie

In this case, though, the money we were talking about was not ours. Old Dog Haven has been, throughout these 14 months, a great organization to work with, and we knew that no matter what decision we made, they would pay the bill and not question it.

We could have opted for treatment to make Howie more comfortable that night. We might even have been able to get one or two more good days. But at what price? Tuesday night was bad. Nothing was going to get permanently better. Howie was obviously not comfortable, and you can’t explain what’s going on. Would those one or two more good days have been for him, or for us? When even at best, we would be delaying the inevitable for a few days and put him through an unknown amount of pain and confusion, that was too high a price for us to pay.


Still, we did talk about the cost to the rescue. They are funded mostly by private donations and a few large organizations that donate to small rescues. Money is always a concern. And the money we were “playing” with was theirs, not ours. Could we justify spending money on one or two more days when that same money could then go to help another senior dog, one that had a few years left to live? That did not make much sense to us, either.


At 2am on Wednesday morning, we said goodbye to the Howie monster. It was not an easy decision, but it was the right decision, the decision we would have made, even if money were no object.



The Financial Side of My Layoff

I promised on Thursday that I’d write a post about the financial side of my layoff. Let’s start with the fact that while I did propose that my boss eliminate my position last September, I did not engineer my layoff. I am not going to “retire” early. Nor am I using this as an opportunity to start writing/blogging full time.

Not that I couldn’t do those things. Well, I couldn’t retire early. No way do we have enough savings for that, but I could conceivably try to start writing/blogging full time. But I’m not going to.


Let’s start with the actual finances.

My company provides a pretty good severance package. I am the top tier, and will get 3 weeks of pay for every year at the organization. (This is capped at 12 years/36 weeks.) I have been there 8 years, so will get 24 weeks- almost 6 months –worth of severance pay. It will be paid out every 2 weeks over that 24 weeks, just as if it were a paycheck.

It will be larger than my current paycheck because benefits and retirement will not be coming out. In addition, my company will pay COBRA costs for myself and my dependents (ie C) for up to 12 months.

If I were just getting 24 weeks of severance, at my current take home amount, it would last us about 40 weeks, without making any changes to our budget (as long as no big expenses hit). I come to this figure because we currently put about 2/5 of my take home pay in the savings account every month.

Given that my biweekly severance amounts will be larger than my paychecks and that we will cut back on our expenses, we could almost certainly make a year without either C or I working, without much hardship.

And I haven’t even mentioned the 6 weeks’ worth of PTO I have saved up that will be paid out in a lump sum with my final paycheck.


To add to what I am getting from my company, in Washington state, severance does not affect unemployment. I will almost certainly be able to collect the maximum benefit of $604/week, adding another $1,200 every two weeks (or slightly more than 50% of my current take home pay).

My calculations say that between severance, vacation payout, and unemployment, we could live on our current budget for 97 weeks, with the caveat that C would have to take out student loans for school. And that’s without cutting anything from the budget or even putting my undergrad student loans in forbearance.


Financially, we’re good. I do not need to jump at the first job that comes my way; I can wait for the right opportunity, one that is hopefully also a step up. But I do plan on getting another job.

Why? I am currently the sole earner for our family. We are in the adoption process. I LIKE the security that comes from a paycheck. Benefits, like medical, dental, and retirement match matter to me. We’re not saving for retirement on the above plan, and it’s good for less than 2 years. That’s not good enough for me.

In addition, I also like going into work. I like the interaction with people and enjoy the challenges. I am not, by nature, an entrepreneurial person. I know that may seem rare for a personal finance blogger, but it is who I am.

My blogs are not intended to be a source of any income for us, let alone the primary source of income.

If I were to write the next Harry Potter books, perhaps I would be willing to quit working to spend my time writing fiction and managing my intellectual property, but I’m honest enough with myself to not think of that as a reasonable likelihood.


What this means is that I firmly believe we will come out of my layoff significantly financially ahead. Exactly how much ahead will depend on how quickly I get a new position and at what pay rate.

Our plans for the extra money are somewhat up in the air. We will certainly pay off my undergraduate student loans first, leaving us with only mortgage debt. We will be able to replace all of our windows and get the whole house plumbing we need done without a concern.

After that, options include doing either minor or major renovations on our current home, or saving the money to be a down payment on a larger house. It could pay for a few years of private school for a child. Or, it could all go into retirement savings.

One thing we do want to do, is, once the adoption is finalized, plan a “dream” family vacation, with input from the child (especially if we adopt an older child).

A dream vacation could take us back to Ireland...

A dream vacation could take us back to Ireland…

So that’s where we are. We’re not stressed about my impending joblessness. In fact, I’m a little excited about the opportunities.