The Stock Market Project – Month 4

You know how I kept talking about doing analysis on my project based on my Computational Finance class? Not happening this month. Today was my first real day of administrative leave, and while I spent it productively (applying for jobs, watching lectures for a Coursera course, and going to the dog park), I barely managed to check the stock prices and to decide what new stock I wanted to invest in this month.

The new stock I decided on was Starbucks. I like what they do as a company, and they are a local company. The stock does run at almost $60 a share, so I was only able to pick up 4 shares, but that’s okay.

Otherwise, the only real news this month is that the stock market appears to be back down a bit from last month. I am still overall on the positive (a little less than $30), but that’s down from being up almost $60 last month. And three of my stocks seem to be converging on the same price point.

Stock Shares Buy Price Buy Value Transaction Cost Current Price Current Value Profit/(Loss)
LNVGY 5         19.22            96.10           7.00 17.59                   87.95 (15.15)
EA 9         13.77          123.93           7.00 17.37                156.33 25.40
BKS 9         13.40          120.60           7.00 17.07                153.63 26.03
ZIP 9         12.16          109.44           7.00 12.25                110.25 (6.19)
GLUU 25           2.29            57.25           7.00 2.87                   71.75 7.50
AMZN 1      273.63          273.63           7.00 272.34                272.34 (8.29)
SBUX 4 58.56 234.24           7.00 58.56 234.24 (7.00)
TOTAL      $  1,015.19      $        1,086.49  $    22.30

april stocksAmazon and Starbucks aren’t on this graph because their prices are so much higher than the others.