I Am Bad At This

Today is day 3 of my administrative leave. I know that’s much time, but I have already come to the conclusion that I am bad at this. I had this idea for how I was going to manage my time, for everything I was going to get done, and so far, not happening.

Blog posts have gone up late. I’ve done very little of my Coursera course work. I need to do a lot more studying for my CSCP test. I have applied to a few jobs, but haven’t really done any major job hunting. I have done NO writing.

I have taken the dogs to the dog park twice and gone to lunch with former co-workers. I have managed to keep my exercise schedule. I have also slept late and played around on my new laptop. Today, I’ll be doing some running around with C and J because we’re all home and we can. I also had a massage this morning.

I know I should not be too hard on myself. It’s only day 3. And I really should allow myself a bit of a vacation before I start holding myself to a strict schedule. But my concern is, I won’t be able to keep that strict schedule because I am the only one setting it. Unlike with blogging, there is no one else depending on whether or not I get some writing in, or if I get completely caught up on my web classes. It’s all me, and I can be pretty lenient with myself.

I am going to give myself tomorrow to continue to be a bit of a bum. But my CSCP exam is on Wednesday and I NEED to read through the book one more time and study some online materials, so that has got to be my focus over the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday (with exceptions for the plans that I already have in place for those days).

On some level, I can’t imagine I won’t pass the test- I test really well. But you need an 86% to get the certification and when I took the practice test after reading through the book once (granted that was done in a haphazard manner), I got a 60%- certainly not going to cut it.

So yeah, I’m bad at this, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let myself be bad at that test.