The Dog Ate My Wallet

The Dog Ate My Wallet

Personal Finance in a World of Excuses

Category Archive: Lessons Learned


Just Because They Sent It, Does NOT Mean You Have to Sign It, As Is

We were recently in a car accident. We were in stop and go traffic. We stopped. The car behind us continued to go. That car was not going very fast, but fast enough that we all got a bit of whiplash and continuing back pain. Due to this, we were all seen by doctors, and C and I have referrals for massage. First, the good news- it is standard practice in WA state for your automobileread more…


Wedding Gift Ideas

It’s June (well, the end of June) and the start of summer. That means wedding season is full upon us. That means registering for gifts for the happy couple and buying gifts for their friends and family. C and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary at the end of August, and I want to tell you what the best gifts we received were. 1)      Chest freezer – we registered for this, and my grandparents gotread more…


Twenty-Three Days In

I know this is a personal finance blog, but tonight we’re going to hit on the “personal” much more than usual. In fact, here’s the whole financial connection – kids cost money. I have been a parent for a whole 23 days now. It’s not a lot of time, and I know it. And I’m starting at a very different point than most people- with a nine year old, who has been through things that noread more…


The Universe is Hitting Me Over the Head

Earlier today, I was positive I was going to get this post written and scheduled to post “on time”. We can see how well that turned out. Because I had time. Well, I thought I had time, but then I needed to apply for some jobs, and the rain stopped long enough for me to get the other half of the side yard mowed. And then it was time to pick SP up from school, afterread more…


Money & Relationship Questions from Chase

Apparently, this list of questions originally came from Chase (the bank). I got them from Lance at Money Life and More, who answered them himself and challenged the rest of us to do so, too.   1. Would you discuss money on the first date? Remember first that C and I have been married for almost 10 years, and together for over 13, so it’s been a really long time since I’ve been on a firstread more…


Women’s Money Week: Prepare for the Future by Owning Your Past

Today is both International Women’s Day and the last day of Women’s Money Week. Thanks so much to Jackie and Elizabeth for hosting once again. It’s been an honor to participate. Look for my favorite post from each day in tomorrow’s round up. The theme for Friday is Future Planning and Financial Planning   “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana As an undergrad, I majored in History, so itread more…


Women’s Money Week: Attend a Geek Convention for Less

Has it really been a year? It is time, once again, for Women’s Money Week. Let me be honest, everything I say in any of these posts applies to men as well as women, but I do think it is important to have events that focus on women and their relationships with money. Why? Because in a lot of ways, men are still seen as the bread winners and financial decision makers. It is less trueread more…


Women’s Money Week: Find Time by Letting Go of Perfection

Has it really been a year? It is time, once again, for Women’s Money Week. Let me be honest, everything I say in any of these posts applies to men as well as women, but I do think it is important to have events that focus on women and their relationships with money. Why? Because in a lot of ways, men are still seen as the bread winners and financial decision makers. It is less trueread more…


Walking in the Rain

I try to take two walks every work day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. This afternoon, as I was taking my walk, I was also thinking about what I would write about today. There were a few possibilities about work, a conversation C and I had last night, maybe the second post in the “jobs high schoolers have never heard of” category, but in the end, I was feeling more philosophical than concreteread more…


I Said We Weren’t Going to Do This

Back in April, I wrote about why we weren’t refinancing– we’re not eligible for HARP, we were very likely underwater in our home, and we could afford the mortgage payments without hardship. Well, today, about 90 minutes before this posts, we will be having a phone conversation with a mortgage broker and likely starting the refinancing process. Why? What’s changed? Well, we’re still not eligible for HARP, and we can still afford our mortgage payments withread more…