
  • Life,  Parenting

    Goodbye Miss Stella

    This past Thursday morning, it finally happened. We had known it was imminent. For a while now, C and I had been talking days, but the days had gone into two weeks, and we had hoped, just a little bit. But we still knew. And so every morning, I still checked. This past Thursday morning, I found Stella, one of Pop Tart’s rats, dead in her cage. I had been checking every morning, for the last few weeks, before Pop Tart woke up, specifically for this purpose, so that I would be the one to find her, to remove her from the cage. Because Pop Tart was going to take…

  • Life

    I Like Other Women

    Before anyone gets all excited here, I am not coming out as a lesbian, or even bi-sexual. Nor am I expressing support for the “mistress” in a non-open relationship. But I feel this is important to say because for a decade and a half, from my late teens to my early thirties, I would have told you that I did not like other women. That I got along with men, but not women. I just did not have anything in common with them. I will also tell you that this was demonstrably not true. During those years, I did have more male friends than female friends, but with the exception…

  • Life

    An Open Letter to Three Young Men

    Dear Young Men Sitting Next to Me at Starbucks: I do not know you. I did not interact with you in any way. But you sat at the tiny table right next to mine, and I could not help but overhear your conversation and notice your interactions, and there are some things I would like to tell you. Because I must refer to you as something, I am going to call the one who plays football Jock Bro-Dude, the one who plays drums Musician Bro-Dude, and the one who wants to be seen as a leader and not as a bro-dude as Wanna Be.   Jock Bro-Dude: You are annoying.…

  • Life

    A Whole Bunch of Nothing

    When I am really feeling something, the words just pour out of me, and I end up with ridiculously long blog posts. And then there are nights like tonight. There are things I am thinking about, but nothing that has my passion. Everything I have started to write tonight I have then deleted. It just was not quite what I wanted. But I feel like I have to get something down after 3 weeks away from my writing night. So now you get bits and pieces.   I gave myself permission to stop reading After Alice, the newest book from Gregory Maguire. We went on vacation last week, a vacation…

  • Life

    New Project Coming … Sometime

    Remember how I wrote about needing to find a new love? A new project or story or character to fall in love with? I think I have an idea. Well, actually, I had an idea, and I started working on all the technical aspects of it, because setting up web pages is fun, while actually writing is hard work. But thinking about how much writing I wanted to have done before I officially launched the new project seemed daunting. Because it needs to not just be written but critiqued and edited. And that is when it occurred to me. I have a ton of writing done and critiqued (though it…

  • Goals,  Life,  Parenting


    I said to someone at work last week that it was like my childhood was dying. Leonard Nimoy’s death last year hit me harder than the ones from this year, but still. Between David Bowie, Alan Rickman, and today Glen Frey, and numerous others crossing my FB page, it really is that the music and actors I grew up with are leaving this world. Of course the hardest part about all of it for me is that they are all about the same age as my parents. And while C and a number of my friends have lost their parents, I still have both of mine, and I am honestly…

  • Life

    Sunday Family Dinner

    One of the things we have tried to establish in our house since Pop Tart joined us is the family dinner. Even before she came, we tried to have a once a week whole house dinner with roomie J. But especially once Pop Tart came, we started eating dinner at the table, all of us together, every night. It is a habit that has stuck. I am not saying that we are perfect at this. Some nights one of us is sick and gets brought dinner in our bedroom. Occasionally we are doing something where we eat dinner on TV trays in the living room. But for the most part,…

  • Life

    Finding a New Love

    The problem with having a mid-life crisis is that recognizing you are having one does not make it go away. And sadly, these things are not like a two week flu. They apparently stick around for a while. Being okay with being 40 does not make this random need for “new” in my life go away. I am not the only person in my friend group experiencing a mid-life crisis right now. One my oldest friends (we have known each other since high school) has basically completely blown up his life. He apparently decided it was time to completely start over, and *poof* moved without really telling anyone. As much…

  • Life


    Today I turn 40. I have truly reached middle aged. I no longer even qualify as thirty-something. Instead, I am the big 4-0. I do not mind. I have no problem with being the age I am. I love my life, and am very happy with where I am. At the same time, I honestly do not know how I got here. A lot of the time I feel like I should just be turning 30. And yet, I look back at the last 10 years, since I did turn 30, and am amazed at all the changes. I have some amazing friends who I did not even know back…

  • Life

    Winter of Discontent

    One of my rules is to never claim something has happened “for a reason”. As a foster parent, and as an adoptive parent, I cannot imagine anything so cruel as to tell the children in my care that there was a “reason” they had to go through what they have gone through. Sometimes people do bad or careless things. Sometimes the sickness wins. There does not have to be a reason. It just is. But what we can do is look for the good, or at least the hope, that can come out of these events. Because good things can come from bad. This last week, a man I knew…