
New Project Coming … Sometime

Remember how I wrote about needing to find a new love? A new project or story or character to fall in love with? I think I have an idea. Well, actually, I had an idea, and I started working on all the technical aspects of it, because setting up web pages is fun, while actually writing is hard work. But thinking about how much writing I wanted to have done before I officially launched the new project seemed daunting. Because it needs to not just be written but critiqued and edited.

And that is when it occurred to me. I have a ton of writing done and critiqued (though it needs editing) on the novella. And I could take the base concept of the new project – serial publication – and apply it to the novella. And this would be a great way to give me energy back on completing the story. Because it would be really nice to complete the story, considering I have been working on it for over five years.

Of course, some of the technical work on the novella will actually be harder than with the new project I was thinking of, as I really need a name, a good name, for the novella. Also, I need some kind of artwork, and I do not have the money to pay a professional artist. I’ll have to check and see if any of my brother’s photography might work, at least as a base for now.

So yeah, look for that. Not really soon, though, as I do need to make some revisions before stuff starts going live, and that whole needing a name thing. That’s the kicker.

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