• Books,  Reviews

    100 Word Book Review: Tiassa by Steven Brust

    (Originally posted on May 30, 2012) Tiassa is very different from most of the Vlad novels in that very little of it is told from Vlad’s point of view. This does not make it bad, just different. The story is still Vlad centric, but it details what would normally be behind the scenes actions that Vlad never sees and isn’t really aware of. It’s good, but I love Vlad’s voice so I was kind of disappointed. It also reminds us of the fact that we’re hearing these stories because Vlad is telling them to someone, recording them. We learn this is as a favor to Sethra.

  • Books,  Reviews

    100 Word Book Review: The Lost Books of the Odyssey by Zachary Mason

    (Originally posted on May 17, 2012) I want to start by saying I really enjoyed Lost Books of the Odyssey, I’ve been wanting to read it since it came out, and I finally bought myself a copy. However, it bills itself as a novel. It’s not. There is a certain feel to the different episodes presented as supposed lost or alternate stories from the Odyssey, that make the book feel like there’s a progression from beginning to end, but there’s no plot, no cohesive story. If you loved the Odyssey (and I did), you’ll like this book. But I wouldn’t recommend it for those who didn’t.