
  • Feminism,  Life,  Politics

    Calculated Risks

    Let me start by telling you a bit about myself that likely has not come up on this blog before–  I am a confident, independent woman in my early 40s. I travel on my own. As an undergrad, I would walk across campus, after dark, by myself. Occasionally, I would walk home at night through an unlit park. When I worked swing shift, getting off work at 2am, I would walk home or to my friends’ house, by myself. I have walked a mile from a bar back to a hotel, after dark, in a city in a different country. I have always done what I want, and not allowed…

  • Equal Rights,  Feminism,  Politics

    Rape Culture is still Comedy Gold, and it Shouldn’t Be

    I have often said I am amazed at how many good men of my generation (and earlier generations) there are. How many of them truly get it, or at least try to get it, when we talk about rape culture. Because I know the pop culture they were raised with, because I was raised in the same popular culture. The whole Han, Leia, Luke dynamic is truly cringeworthy and actually a little creepy when watching it now. Toxic masculinity dominates all of their personal relationships, right down to Leia kissing Luke at in the first part of Empire just to make a point to Han. And yet, as a geek,…

  • Equal Rights,  Feminism,  Parenting,  Politics

    He Only Does That Because He Likes You

    In February of 2014, I hadn’t yet started this blog, so I didn’t really have a place to put long thoughts on things not specifically related to finance, pets, pop culture, or writing. So I made the following post on Facebook. Again, this post is 4.5 years old, and yet, it is still relevant. “He only does that because he likes you.” Pop Tart is 10. She just started a karate class that’s offered by a group working with the school district. On the first night (the only night parents are allowed to remain for the class), I noticed a boy kind of picking on her. I thought it might…