
Gratitude Journal #38

One week left in the year, and 7 Gratitude Entries to go before reaching my goal of 100. I have tried over the year to remember to be grateful for the little things, like the Starbucks employees who start work at 4a, so that when I pull into the drive-thru at 6a, someone is there to make me my Chai tea latte. But the truth is, what I am most grateful for in my life are the people. And so, this last week’s worth of gratitude entries are going to be about the people I am grateful for.

Gratitude Entry #94 – Family
My 44th birthday just passed. And that means for the last 44 years, I have been blessed with two loving parents and an older brother who I actually like (most of the time). In addition, I have a pretty great extended family. 

My parents raised me to be strong and independent, to think for myself and act in the way I believe is best. As an adult, this has often meant that I come to different conclusions than my parents, have different views and beliefs, act in ways they would not. And yet, they still support me. We are able to agree to disagree. 

My family is not perfect. My brother and, despite being in our mid to late 40s, are still able to push each other’s buttons like no one else on the planet. And sometimes, I think we do it just out of habit, not for any real purpose. But I know that when push comes to shove, my brother is there for me. 

Add to this all the Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins of various degrees of removal that I have been lucky enough to have in my life and I started better off than a lot of people. I have come from a strong foundation, filled with love, that has let me build the life I wanted.

I would not be where I am today, who I am today, without that foundation. And I am grateful for it, every day.

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