
Gratitude Journal #32

I knew going into this week that it was going to be a busy, stressful week, and then life decided to go sideways and just make it worse. On some level, that made writing tonight’s post even more important for me. Because honestly, I spent time thinking this week that there were not any small things to be grateful for this time. I was grateful for big things this week, friends even more than normal. I was grateful for the dogs this week, because sometimes they are all that gets me through. 

Since I was having a hard time thinking of things to be grateful for, I decided I would have to create things to be grateful for, like having a cup of one of my favorite teas or making chili for dinner tonight to have the rest of the week. These were little things I could do for myself that would make me happy, and provide something to be grateful for. But interestingly enough, as I was going through the pictures I took this week, I realized that there were actually plenty of smaller things to be grateful for. They had just gotten drowned out by the stress. But they were there. And so, while I did have a few cups of a wonderful tea, and there is chili on the stove for dinner, those will not be the things I am grateful for this week.

Gratitude Entry #76 – English cereal
As a kid, one of my favorite cereals was fruit squares. Think mini-wheats with bits of fruit inside. I loved them. The most common flavors were apple, raisin, and strawberry. But at some point, stores stopped carrying this kind of cereal, and for years, I almost forgot it existed. And then, 11.5 years ago, we were in England and came across Apricot Wheats in the grocery store. I was super excited, and we probably went through 4 boxes in our week there. Sadly, I still cannot get this kind of cereal in the US (or Canada). However, in early September, two of my faculty were in England teaching a study abroad course. And they went to the effort to bring me back cereal. They could not find the Apricot Wheats, so brought me Raisin Wheats instead.
My faculty are pretty great in general, but it is these little things that make me feel appreciated and truly part of the team. Plus, I get one of my favorite things. This is definitely something to be grateful for.

Gratitude Entry #77 – Blue sky
For the last four years, in late September, my department has been hosting an Alumni BBQ, to give alumni a chance to reconnect with each other and with the department. The three previous three years, we had gorgeous weather, to the point where we were not even thinking about it in our planning (since this is an outdoor event). This year, the days leading up to the BBQ were gray and rainy. It seemed almost as if Seattle had jumped right over fall and straight into winter. The morning of the BBQ dawned wet and cloudy. But weather apps kept telling us that by the time of the BBQ, it should at least be dry, if still overcast.
But, the weather had a surprise for us. It decided to not only be dry, but for the clouds to go away. Skies were a brilliant blue, and no one had to worry about themselves or their food getting soaked.
Sometimes the world is a little difficult, but other times, you get a little reward. Thank you for the blue sky.

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