
Gratitude Journal 2020 #6

I have gone three weeks without posting, but not three weeks without being grateful. Sometimes, no matter my intentions, I just do not make it over to the computer with the energy to post. I do apologize for that. But, I am here now, with three weeks worth of gratitude

Gratitude Item #13 – Savings
The last few weeks we have been hit with some unexpected expenses. The car needed $3600 worth of work (and might have to go back in for more). The dogs’ dental visit cost $1200, and C’s cousin needs some financial help, so we have sent money to her (and will likely send more). None of this was in the standard monthly budget, and sometimes it feels like we are bleeding money. But, we have the money in savings. We have it. We can afford everything we have needed to pay for without needing to give anything up. I just have to move the money over from savings.
This is not a place we have always been. And honestly, we were here once before and then got hit with huge unexpected expenses and had to climb our way back. But we have done it. And were are here, with savings. And I know that so many people are not. And I know that it is not because they do not want to be here, or lack the discipline, or anything like that. Some of this is work and planning, but quite a bit is also luck. And I am grateful that we are lucky enough to have savings to cover everything we need.

Gratitude Item #14 – Larry’s heart
This might be a “bigger” thing that I am thankful for than I usually post about here, but I am so very grateful. Larry has a heart murmur. Before he could get his dental exam done, his doctor wanted him to get an EKG to make sure it would not be an issue with the anesthesia. Since I have mentioned how expensive the dental exam was, you may have already guessed that the murmur is not bad, and it was safe for him to be put under. And I am very grateful for this. This month will be nine years since we lost Smokey, which means next month will be nine years since Larry came into our lives. And I am grateful for every beat of his heart.

Gratitude Item #15 – February sunshine
Normally, February is a very gray month in the Seattle area. Cloudy, gray skies, with or without rain, is pretty standard winter weather. But the last couple of weeks, the clouds decided to go away, at least during the day, and we have had beautiful clear blue skies with plenty of sunshine. It is not normal, but it is definitely something to be grateful for.

Gratitude Item #16 – I hired someone
At work, the events and engagement manager that had reported to me gave notice in October and went to her new job in November. She is still at the University, and we still get to work with her, which is great. But, her position has been empty since then. We had a number of really great candidates for the position, and this was honestly one of the hardest hiring decisions I have ever made. But, two Thursdays ago (before I went on vacation), we made an offer, and the following day, it was accepted. In fact, my new person starts tomorrow. I am so happy about this, and so, so very grateful that I will have someone in this role starting this coming week, and I can start handing that work back to that position.

Gratitude Item #17 – Vacation
Back in November, I expected February to be cold and gray. So I booked a trip down to New Mexico to visit my father. It was decided that J, CJ, and their little boy would go with me (because they needed sunshine, too). And last week, we went on vacation. It was less than a week, just a full three days at my father’s, but it was lovely. I had a great time hanging out with my BFF and her family, making fried peach pies with my father, and generally just relaxing. We went to museums and checked out the White Sands National Monument. It was gorgeous and exactly what I needed after the last few very busy and stressful weeks at work.

Gratitude Item #18 – Coming home
Vacation was wonderful and exactly what I needed, but there really is nothing better than coming home. Home is where my bed is. Home is where my dogs are. Home is where I get to sleep in on Sunday morning. I love my father, and it was wonderful to go see him. But coming home always makes me so happy. 

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