Top 12 of 2012

Happy New Year!

I love that we use this time of year for reflection and goal setting. Okay, I try to do at least some of that year round, but I always love the idea of starting on a brand new slate. 2013, here I come.

However, before you can know where you’re going, you have to know where you’ve been. So today is one of reflection. We’ll look at the top 12 posts of 2012 here on Dog Ate My Wallet (excluding round ups).


But before we get to the posts, I also want to say what a lovely year in blogging it has been. I’ve made some new blogger friends, had an amazing time at FinCon, finally getting to hang out with people in person, and just overall really enjoyed the community I am part of. Thank you all for stopping by here, reading, and commenting. It means a lot.


And now, on to the count down.


12) Annual Rant: Holiday Car Commercials – while not as popular as the previous year’s rant about car’s not being gifts (my most popular post ever), it seems like a lot of you agree with me on this.

11) Forced to Use Comcast (Why I Hate It) – I think we all hate our limited options when it comes to internet and cable providers. The Seattle area’s issues are compounded by the fact that the government has decided there can be no competition.

10) February Coffee Talk- What Does Your Tax Return Say About You – whether we want to admit it or not, there are certain people’s whose tax returns we’d all love to take a look at.

9) My Brother’s New Venture – this year, my brother took a risk and left his very well paying, pretty posh government contractor job to start his own business. He’s had some ups and downs, but he’s happier than he’s ever been

8) 2011 = Winning – One of my few posts with graphs. Maybe that’s why it was so popular. I’ll have to get something similar up for 2012.

7) The Cult of the Dream Job – Remember, a job is only part of your dream life

6) Guest Post: Preparing for Baby – I love that this post from Jana at Daily Money Shot made the list. And for those wondering- we’re still in paperwork.

5) Get Your Resume Noticed (and Read) – we all want to get hired

4) What I Love About Wednesdays – how often can you get away with earing the same piece of clothing?

3) Encouraging Your Child’s Inner Entrepenuer – this was a blog swap with one of my favorite bloggers (no on hiatus) Money for College Project

2) Money Mistakes I’d Make All Over Again: Purchasing a Timeshare – everyone loves to hate on timeshares. I love our timeshare. In fact, I’ll be using our Victoria, BC, location in just a couple of weeks.


And finally, my most viewed post of 2012….was written in 2011.

1) 4.5 Years of Peer to Peer Lending – this was an in depth look at our investing result with Prosper, covering the recession years. For more recent results, you could also check out 5.5 Years Investing with Prosper (which happened to be written in 2012)


And there we are, my top 12 posts of 2012. I’ll be back on Thursday with a look ahead to 2013!