
Pandemic Diary, Day 25

Yesterday, I managed 4 walks. But I got the number of steps I wanted for the day in the end, so we are calling that a win. This morning, I did not get up in time to do the 6:40a walk before starting work.

7:45a – I may need to order a new keyboard. This one seems to upset Larry. He’s sleeping happily until I start typing a lot. And then he feels the need to be in my lap. I wonder if it sounds like a really bad storm to him? Next time I’m on Amazon, I may need to look for a quieter keyboard. (Or perhaps I should just look around this office.)

8:00a – C’s company has been declared essential/critical, whatever. That means that he will still be going into work, even during the stay at home order, because he works the production line. That definitely cannot be done via telework.
Given that roomie D is also essential (the only person going into her building), I will be home alone during the day.

I may need to speed up a section of the office cleaning to create a space big enough to move Junebug’s crate into the office every day. We’ll see how she settles tomorrow. I do not really want to move her crate back and forth every day. So maybe this means that next time I’m on Amazon, I order another dog crate? And then, when I give in and decide I want a third dog, we will already have the third crate?

8:15a – We are out of Sudafed. I am getting a cold. (Yes, a cold.) I have a sore throat. It is all congestion and post-nasal drip. I guess I need to get on Amazon this morning and order a large supply of the pseudo-Sudafed.

8:40a – I grew up in MT and NV. Bread went stale there. Here in the Seattle area, bread never gets a chance to go stale. It gets moldy. Except English Muffins. I have no idea how old this English Muffin is, but it is not moldy or stale (and yet, it has definitely been in my kitchen for over 6 weeks). Well, it turns out it is exactly what I want right now.

9:05a – It is not currently raining, and Larry is starting to go a little crazy. I guess I should take the dogs on a walk.

10:59a – Census completed

12:45p – I’ve been working from home for only a week. The dogs have already adapted to getting more frequent walks. Larry has figured out the schedule and lets me know when it is time. Junebug has gotten blase. “I see you have my leash and harness. That’s nice. I’ve got some important snuffling to do first.”

1:15p – I have two giant monitors (and my surface). I can watch Time Team while I work.

2:30p – Papa Murphys pizza ordered. D will pick it up on her way home.

3:45p – Afternoon walk in sunshine. Based on my schedule, only 3 walks today. Will I fire up the Wii tonight?

4:30p – Joys of working from home (for other people). C has been in a video call with his best friend, JZ, all day. ALL DAY. We called JZ at 9:30a this morning. They are still on the call. They are working on stuff for a Savage Rifts game JZ wants to run (via Roll20, which is how our gaming group has been playing for a few years now).

5:00p – I did the Wii. I got all my steps for the day. And, it appears my yoga classes have been paying off, as the balance test I did was better than ever.

6:50p – Now I get to do a video call with my best friend, JB. I am normally at her house for dinner on Wednesdays. So while I cannot be there, we can still eat dinner together over video. I did miss my weekly taco night, but I had pizza instead, so I am not really complaining.

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