
Back in the Saddle

Here I am, back in front of a blank page, trying to figure out exactly how to say what I want to say, in the way I want to say it. If you have followed this blog (and thank you, if you have), you know I have taken most of the last two years off from blogging. I have put up a post here and there, and tried to do some things for NaNoWriMo, but really, I have not been writing here.

The truth is, I have not been writing anywhere. The last two years have been a slice of hell for my family. And no, I do not say that lightly. I would not wish what we have gone through (and will be dealing with the fallout from for the rest of our lives) on anyone. It took all my emotional energy just to get through the day most days. Some days, it took more energy than I actually had. But here we are, coming out of the worst of it, and figuring out how we all move forward.

Moving forward for me involves writing again. Writing is one of those things that refreshes me, gives me more energy than it takes. I am not really fully me if I am not writing. So here I am.

While I will not be reliving the last two years here, there is one big change that will be obvious as I write about life moving forward, so I might as well address it here and now.

Pop Tart is no longer living with us. The reasons for this will NOT be discussed here, as that is her story, not mine. And now that she is 15, I feel she should have complete control over her story. So what you need to know is that she is healthy; she is happy; she is thriving in her current environment. She is in a good place with good people. I am in regular contact with her and see her as frequently as makes sense, given that she now lives an eight hour drive away. It is not easy. It breaks my heart every day not to have her here with us. But this is what is best for her, and as her mother, that will always be my primary focus.

That is it for now. I am back. I am going to be trying to write regularly. There will be posts on personal finances, pets, pop culture, books, work, writing, and whatever else I feel like writing about. My goal is just regular posts. And we will move forward from here.

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