
  • Writing

    NaNoWriMo, the Short Story Version

    I have not been writing the way I should be. But I am trying to get back in the habit, and NaNoWriMo is great inspiration for that. But I am not going to write 1667 words per day. I am not, and trying to do so would just be setting myself up for failure. So I am going to do what I did two years ago. Instead of writing a novel in a month, my goal is to write a short story in a month. In general, I will be looking to write 100 words/day. Some days I’ll write a little more, but my minimum will be 100 words per…

  • Writing

    My Writing History

    Earlier today, on a facebook group dedicated to bloggers, we were asked to post our favorite thing we have ever written, whether it was relevant to the general theme of the group or not. I did not post a link. I posted a 50 word piece of micro-fiction I wrote back when I was hosting a micro-fiction contest. But here is the thing, that question made me realize how long I have been doing this, how much I have written. I started on LiveJournal 11 years ago, and my first blog around 6 years ago. Between LJ and the blogs I still have access to, that is almost 3,000 posts.…

  • Writing

    Quantity vs Quality

    I recently attended a training on Liberating Structures. These are simple tools that can be used in meetings/large group events to accomplish more in less time. One of the Liberating Structures is called Wicked Questions. These are questions you ask that seem contradictory. For me, the Wicked Question as it relates to this blog is “How can I maintain a semi-regular posting schedule so that there is new content for the readers while still only publishing posts that I believe are interesting to my audience and of the quality that I want?” I realize that this may not seem like that difficult to others, but as someone who previously blogged…