
Gratitude Journal #26

Does managing to write the weekly Gratitude post on Sunday evening two weekends in a row mean my plan of moving the computer to the office (to go with my giant new monitor) is working? Maybe. Maybe.
I will be honest, this week it is a little hard to come up with small things to be grateful for, or perhaps I should say new small things to be grateful for. We are over half-way through the year, and I have so far managed not to repeat. And I will not officially repeat tonight, but I will be adding a new feature of “grateful one more time”, because there are things, even little things, that are worth being grateful for more than once.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is not true. A look through the journal has me noticing that I have been grateful for my knee brace twice. And I am good with that.

Gratitude Entry #59 – Breaks in the weather
First off, Seattle does not get all that hot compared to many places. However, it does generally go through stints of being in the mid to upper 80s for a few weeks at a time. And that is warm. It is especially warm if you work on the fourth floor of a building with no air conditioning, which, I do. And so it has been really nice this year that every time we get a run of a few days of high 80s, we get some sort of system through that lowers the temperature into the low to mid 70s, for just a day. It has kept the heat from really building up in the office. Sadly, I think that is over now, as we have been in the 80s since the middle of last week and look to be in the high 80s all through next week. And this last Friday morning, when we did have rain, was still warm and muggy.
But seriously, up until this point, it has actually been a really pleasant summer. And I am grateful for that.

Gratitude Entry #60 – Music
Plain and simple, I love music. And I listen to music a lot. I listen to it on my walk and bus commute to and from work. I often have it on in the office. We listen to it all night. We listen to it any time we are driving in the car. Music has been a cornerstone of many of my relationships.
We have an older car with no way to stream music from other devices. But it does have a six CD changer. For quite some time, I had gotten a little tired of the songs in the player and have been listening to the radio. This is not a bad thing, but it is a bit more hit and miss, and there are commercials. This morning I changed out all the CDs in the changer. And while I was not driving for a very long time, I still found myself singing along the whole drive, with no commercials, and just being in a better mood for it.

Grateful One More time – Gratitude Entry #23 – Plans with Friends
This week, we had plans with friends. On Thursday, we went out for an amazing dining experience for one friend’s birthday, and then on Friday, we had another friend, one who we do not see often, over for dinner at home. In both cases, it was wonderful to spend some time in the company of people who we really enjoy.

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