Original Fiction

#OriginalFiction – November 10

Dorian did not instantly become awake and interested. But he did stop trying to shove her away. He understood enough about the magic to know it had its own timeline, and there was not much point in trying to argue with it.

“Out of my room, Mina.”

She left. She knew her brother well enough to know he would not be falling back asleep. His curiosity would get the best of him. She just had to wait a few minutes.

Her stomach rumbled. While waiting, she could make breakfast. She would even make breakfast for Dorian. He would be less grumpy with her that way.

The tea kettle had just reached a boil and the omelet was almost done when Dorian not quite stumbled out of his room. He headed right for the kettle and soon had a cup of Irish Breakfast tea. For the moment, she said nothing, just letting him drink and wake up some more. Besides, omelets were known to go bad very quickly if her attention wandered even for a moment.

They ate their breakfast in silence.

“Tell me about it.”

Mina told Dorian about the lockbox hidden under the floor in the shack. He was most surprised by the fact that the shack had a floor. “But why now? You hang out at that shack all the time. Why did you go through the wall yesterday?”

She told him about the Whitehaven’s announcement at the restaurant the night before. “This is meant to be kept private.”

“Okay, so what do you need me for?”

“I want to try Grandpa’s keys in the lockbox.”

“And you’re still afraid of the shed.” He said it with a small amount of amusement in his voice. As her older brother, even as he humored her, he was quite willing to mock her.

“Everyone would be really suspicious if I were to go into the shed. I don’t even know where the key to its lock is.”

Dorian shook his head. “And what do I get for helping you? The magic chose you, not me.”

“I have $20 in tips from last night. It’s all yours.”

“$20 for getting some keys from the shed. I guess I can do that.”

“Not some keys, Dorian. All of them. I have no idea which one might work.”

He rolled his eyes. “Yes, Mina, all of the keys. But I want to see the lockbox first, and you have to promise me you’ll let me see what’s in it.”

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