The Dog Ate My Wallet

The Dog Ate My Wallet

Personal Finance in a World of Excuses

Tag Archive: lending club


Peer to Peer Lending – 2013 Annual Prosper Report

Do you ever have the thought ”I could do X and my spouse would never know”? When it’s about buying yourself a piece of candy at the grocery store, it’s probably not a big deal. We’re at a point right now where I could throw $1,000-2,000 into our Prosper account and C would have no idea. I’m not going to do that, because that’s not the kind of relationship we have, but after doing the researchread more…


5.5 Years Investing with Prosper

Last August, I wrote about our experience investing with Prosper. At the time, we had had money invested there for 4.5 years. Given that that is still one of my most popular posts, I thought that maybe it was time for an update. Hence, this post. On some level, not a lot has changed since last August. We have not added any new money to the account. No notes have been paid in full since then,read more…