What I’m Reading: About to Leave the House Edition

We have no theme this week, just blog posts I like. And since I have to leave the house in 30 minutes, this is going to be quick.


Daisy reminds us exactly what her blog is called Add Vodka with the Best Mixed Drinks You’ve Never Heard Of. These sound pretty good. But let me let you in on a little secret- you do not want to drink kiwi vodka. Just trust me on that one.

Jana and I had a conversation at FinCon that was a version of this post. I am so glad she wrote it down. For all of you out there dreaming of a different life- Stop Wishing and Just Do.

Considering we bought a new video game last week, the roomie bought us the new Dominion expansion this week, and we’re all trying our best not to buy the WoW monk hoodie, this post over at Debt Black Hole speaks to me. How Not to Blow Your Money on General Geekery

In the midst of the crazy at work, I also need the reminder from Kathleen at Frugal Portland about the Keys to Happiness.

And since I just did our quarterly budget review and had the quarterly budget conversation with C, let’s take a look at this post from the Millionaire Nurse Blog about developing the habit of saving money.


That brings us to this week’s newest Yakezie challenger- Building Wealth Buzz, and we’ll highlight this great post of suggestions on which debts to pay off first and what to do with overdue payments. On Facebook, just a couple of days ago, I had a friend posting about how burned out he is feeling on his get out of debt plan and life in general. Sometimes, we all need a few suggestions from the rest of the world.