What I’m Reading: Sharing the Smiles Edition

Today’s blogs are all posts that made me smile in some fashion or another. And since I like smiling, and like sharing smiles (hence why I’m also sharing a picture of the “Professional Show-Off” from Ren Faire last weekend), I thought I would share these posts with you.

We know I’m a geek. This is not news, so the fact that Narrow Bridge Finance wrote a blog about personal finance in case of the Zombie Apocalypse was right up my alley.

But long before the world was fixated on zombies, my friends fell in love with Cthulu. I normally try not to share a post from the same blogger two weeks in a row, but Jason at Live Real Now republished Cthulu’s Guide to Personal Finance, and I just couldn’t help myself.

If you’re looking for a guide to personal finance and the Lord of the Deep Ones isn’t for you, Jana from Daily Money Shot might have something that’s more your cup of tea. Did you play Oregon Trail in school? Have you downloaded the new Oregon Trail app? Jana gives us a 5 part series on the Oregon Trail Guide to Personal Finance.

If what you need is a good laugh, Nick from Step Away from the Mall suggests you peruse Craig’s List ads, especially those looking for trade. He shares his advice on how NOT to advertise on Craig’s List.

And for a different kind of smile, a more serious kind of smile, we turn to Squirrelers, where we are reminded to be thankful for what we have. I know I’m thankful for a lot of things, including the readers here and the friends I’ve made through Yakezie.

And that brings us to our newest Yakezie challenger. Welcome to Holly and Greg of Club Thrifty. Like me, Holly needs to lose some weight. Now obviously, we aren’t on the same level here (how I wish I only needed to lose 10lbs, though I also know that last 10 can be the hardest), but I still wish her success on her goals so that she is fully able to enjoy their upcoming vacations.