Sunday Evening Post #14

New website, new name, time to start a new habit with the Sunday Evening Post!


The new sub-title is Personal Finance in a World of Excuses, one of my excuses in determining my budget is that if I don’t normally spend in one of my budget categories, I don’t officially budget for it. That can cause budget overruns or I need to find somewhere else to pull the money from.

Would you believe I don’t budget any money specifically for our dogs? Their food and treats are generally bought at CostCo, so come out of our grocery budget. And we rarely buy them new toys, and vet visits are covered by savings… You see the excuses piling up?

As this year draws to an end, I need to start planning my budget for next year. There are some things that are up in the air, like after C (the hubby) graduates this spring, will he go on for a second bachelor’s, will he apply for a master’s, or look for a job? That’s part of life that I can’t plan for. But I can plan for what we’re going to spend on the pets, what we’ll do with the $400/month in rent we’re now getting from JZ (the roomie), and what we’ll do with the $400/month we’re currently paying toward the basement work when that’s finished up after April.

So, as part of Sunday Evening Post, to help keep myself accountable, I am now going to be listing all the spending for the week (M-F), and the category it should be coming out of.


Day                 Amount           Place                            Category

Monday           $116.79           Vet                              Pets

Monday           $44.80             Safeway                      Groceries


Wednesday     $157.56           Website host               Allowance


Friday              $101.41           CostCo                        Groceries

Friday              $53.38             CostCo                        Pets (dog food)

Friday              $32.02             Safeway                      Groceries


Saturday          $39                  Taste ofIndia              Eating Out

Saturday          $76.63             The Dreaming             Allowance

Saturday         ~$40                Gas                              Car


Sunday            32.09               Fred Meyer                 Groceries



The way I’ve been calculating groceries (which includes the dog food), we spent over $250 on groceries just this week. We should still be in budget for the month, and we are trying to get ourselves down to grocery shopping only every 2 weeks again, but our monthly budget for groceries is $450. So far for the year, we’ve been averaging under $400. I’d like to drop next year’s budget to $375 (taking out the dog food, but adding JZ). $250 every other week isn’t going to cut it.

Now, Monday’s shopping was stocking up on a sale price item. And we had a couple purchases to make at CostCo that are once every 4-6 month kind of things (like the dog food), but a week like this makes me think I need to keep a closer eye on where we’re spending our grocery money.