What I’m Reading: Favorites Edition
Today has not been super busy, and yet I am exhausted. I guess that’s because what we thought was a sinus infection for C was a cold, and now I’m sick, too. The only things we’ve done today have been take the dogs to the dog park, go fill the car with gas, eat lunch at one of our favorite places, and go to CostCo and Office Depot. That’s really not much in the scheme of things, and yet, it’s already after 5pm and I’m just now getting to the What I’m Reading post.
Because I am sick and running late, I don ‘t really want to think. So this week, you’re getting posts from my favorite blogs. I don’t read every blog I follow every day, but the ones you’re seeing today are the ones I check in on the most. I always know that there will be something good.
Let’s start by wishing two of my favorite bloggers happy one year blogiversaries. I’ve been friends with Jana since before either of us started our current blogs, and I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed watching her really find her comfort zone and come into her own over at Daily Money Shot this year.
Also turning one is American Debt Project. I only recently (say in the last 4 months or so) found her blog, but it has quickly become a favorite (as you can tell by the fact that I’m in her top 10 commenters). To celebrate, she’s giving away prizes.
I hope you’re able to head on over to both these amazing blogs and wish them the best of luck in their next year.
Aloysa of My Broken Coin is approaching a year, and I have been reading her pretty faithfully since early on. This week she explains why blue jeans are so important to her.
I know I started reading Average Joe’s Money Blog sometime before Christmas. We’ve developed a friendship based on board games and other geekery. Now, he’s an actual former financial advisor, so his advice is actually worth taking, at least sometime. This week, though, he’s talking about all the years of perseverance and hard work it takes to become an overnight success– which is something we all dream of for our blogs.
Talking about geekery, Crystal from Budgeting in the Fun Stuff did exactly that last weekend and went to Comicpalooza, even though she isn’t a comic geek. But she had a great time and even got to get her picture taken with Kevin Sorbo.
As many of you know, my other obsession comes in the form of dogs. And as always, I love presenting to my personal finance readers a blog that does a much better job of tracking the cost of pets than I do. That’s right, it is once again time for The Cost Of Things from The House of Two Bows.
And finally, because I was doing the Carnival of Financial Simplicity last week, I didn’t get to highlight a brand new Yakezie challenger. Of course, that worked out ok, since according to the board, there weren’t any brand new challengers last week. However, there were two this week, so I am thrilled to introduce you to them.
Money Watch 101 has a post this week about negotiating tactics for a car purchase. I had to take a negotiations class for my MBA. And I’m at the point of wanting a new to me car. (Meaning we’ll get a brand new car for C in about 3 years, and I’ll start driving the VW on a regular basis. This is how car buying works in our house. I want a new car for a really long time, and when I finally convince C, we get a car for him, not me.) Anyway, when that far off day comes, I bet Money Watch’s tips will stand me in better stead than my class.
The Empowered Dollar decides to introduce herself to us by telling her story. I’m probably about 10 years older than she is, but considering I graduated with my MBA in 2008, I can relate.
So there we go. That’s what I’m reading. Now I think I’m going to get off the computer and be a vegetable until the pressure in my head subsides. (Hopefully my brains won’t leak out through my nostrils, but at this point, I’d take it.)
Thanks for the mention!!!
You were comment number 1,000 on this blog!
Okay, so that's probably not exciting to anyone but me, but I had to point that out.
I was always curious to find out how Jana and you've met? Was it purely through blogging and the Internet?
HUGE thank you for reading my blog. Readers like you keep me going.
If all goes according to plan, we will meet in person for the first time at FinCon 2012. Otherwise, Jana and I met on a money message board where the focus was No Spend/Controlled Spend. She had a different blog back then that I really enjoyed, When she decided to join Yakezie, I followed her.
This money board where you met Jana sounds like the one for me as well. 🙂 Hope to meet you at FINCON as well!