Sunday Evening Post #32






 $  50.00




 $    5.00



 $  32.00

Old Spaghetting Factory

Eating Out


 $    6.50




 $  25.00




 $  26.00


Eating Out

Under $150 this week. That seems really nice, though it is a little deceptive, since we got our CostCo refund check (of over $100) and used that this weekend. Still, a week of not too much spending, even though I ate at the cafeteria at work twice.

It was a rather stressful week. It started with a call on last Sunday night saying the MIL’s heart rate was off and they thought she might die. She “got better”, but a talk with the doctor on Thursday said she’s slowly getting worse and she doesn’t see any chance of her actually recovering. So on Thursday night, we made the decision to move her to hospice level care.

We also filled out the application for Medicaid coverage for her, as a month in the nursing home she’s at now costs $7,000+ and hospice care does not cover room and board.

As such, we also gave notice to vacate her apartment, put in an order to forward her mail (which I really should have done when she went in for surgery), and then started moving some of her things out today.

I can see the C got his tendency to hoard from his mother, and it is going to be an uphill battle to get him to throw out some things. (And I’m talking about tape dispensers, not memorabilia).

So, I’m going back to the positive things. We got our tax refund this week. And we spent less that $150.



I have six goals for 2012. As part of the Sunday evening posts, I am tracking those goals, kind of like I do for spending, in order to hold myself accountable.

1)      Be paid for publishing one piece of fiction

Submissions so far: 2

Responses: 1 rejection 1 acceptance

2)      Make money publishing my next art/fiction book

This is on hold for now.

3)      Attend FinCon12. Pay for the trip with money from allowance/side projects saved/earned BEFORE the conference starts. Goal: $600

My current balance is $45. I have already bought the ticket to FinCon12.

4)      Become a member of Yakezie (6 month anniversary is Jan 21)

I plan to be a member of Epsilon class when the application goes up in August. I do need to make sure I’m still connecting with new challengers, though, because a lot of the challengers on my list this last time will be Yakezie Delta class members.

5)      Make money from my blogs.

AdSense earnings: $18 (They won’t send me any money until I hit $100)

6)      Be healthier

I’ve felt terrible pretty much most of the week. Monday night I had an ear ache that felt like a migraine in my ear. It kind of went downhill from there with the emotional stress of the week. There were some big things going on at work, so I couldn’t take a sick day. That meant I spent most of Saturday lying in bed watching bad movies. It was exactly what I needed.

On Monday I did make turkey chili (all meat) and then tonight we once again used ground turkey for a curry dish.

Turkey Chili over Rice with Corn Bread