Sunday Evening Post #21











Fiction in 50





Eating Out



Christmas Gifts





Eating Out


Christmas Gifts




Fred Meyer



Christmas Gifts



About $255 in spending this week, and that includes $75 in Christmas gifts for my family and $25 in gifts for those who will be at our house on Christmas day. My family got donations to charity in their names (since they don’t need anything) and everyone who comes to our house on Christmas day gets a $5 gift card for a local used book store.

The $5 for Fiction in 50 is the monthly prize I give in my micro-fiction contest every month and it comes out of my allowance.

I am hoping this next week will have more days where we don’t spend money, not necessarily that we’ll spend less (my birthday dinner on Wednesday will be $60-100), just that we’ll spend less often. Even when we’re not spending a lot of money, I feel a bit out of control when we’re spending frequently.

The biggest grocery expense this week was the New York for Christmas dinner. C also bought the makings for a butterscotch cheesecake, I’m guessing for my birthday. When I went out to scan for the NCP, he complained that there were no surprises.


Again, there’s no meal plan for this week. Last night C made sausage corn chowder and that will be dinner tonight. It might be our dinner for Monday and Tuesday, too.


I joined Twitter this week- @dogatemywallet. For now, it’s going to be the Twitter account for all of my blogs, so there will be links to my daily blog and my pet blog as well as this one. I haven’t decided it I’ll do automatic posts from the mico-fiction contest or not.


I also added a contact page and the RSS feed button to my sidebar thanks to Andrea at So Over Debt’s post 10 Ways to Make Sure No One Reads Your Blog. Hopefully my writing is not all as boring as the Sunday Evening Posts. 😉


Goals for this week:

Blog round-ups here and on Life by Pets.

Write a guest post for a pet blog (That Mutt), that talks about when it’s okay to give pets as a gift (partly inspired by Derek at Life and My Finances post What? We got a new puppy!)

Get advanced posts written for my blogs so I don’t have to think about them between Tuesdays. (I have Wednesday-Monday off.)

Stop feeling like crud (though sleeping for 10+ hours the last two nights has helped tremendously)

Enjoy my birthday