May has been an "Off" month

I had a plan for spending in May. I thought I had accounted for all the extra stuff we were doing this month, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it.
I don’t actually think we’re going over budget anywhere, but I like having days where I don’t spend any money. I try to get 12 or more of those a month (3 days a week). But this month, it feels like I am spending money every day.
Even if the money is in budget, it makes me feel out of control, nervous, even. I know this month included the not unexpected, but unplanned, death of my grandmother, and getting back to the East Coast for the funeral created a couple extra spend days, but everything else we have going on, I knew about.

So I need to take a couple deep breaths, realize the month will be over in a week, and get myself back on track, planning wise.