The Dog Ate My Wallet

The Dog Ate My Wallet

Personal Finance in a World of Excuses

Category Archive: Sunday Evening Post


Sunday Evening Post #98

Here’s where things stand in our life. On Saturday evening, we were rear-ended. No airbags deployed, both cars drove away. It was very much the other drivers fault. However, the damage to our car is NOT minor, as the truck that hit us had its bumpers replaced with ram plates (seriously) and it actually cut the metal of my car. We don’t think there’s frame damage, but we have to accept it as a possibility. Toread more…


Sunday Evening Post #97

When it comes to the goals listed in this post, it’s going to look like I should just write the month of May off as a total failure. But personally, I’m counting May as a resounding success. It was our first month of parenthood. We managed a family road trip that included the dogs. I have spent the entire month unemployed and not driven anyone crazy, plus have had some solid interviews. Blog goals and writingread more…


Sunday Evening Post #95

We did not go to CostCo or the grocery store 4+ times this week. I am calling that a win. My interview on Tuesday went well. On Friday night, the universe decided to pound it into my brain that yes, I really do need to be networking on this job search. And today, my writing group, which is filled with amazing people, gave us our first “family” gift – a family membership to the aquarium. Itread more…


Sunday Evening Post #94

Class of 94 in the house! Yes, I’m dating myself. Slowly getting ourselves into a new routine, but I think that routine will mean that the Sunday evening post will now go up at almost, or just after, midnight, east coast time, as we spend Sunday evenings doing “family” stuff, so I won’t be on my computer until after SP is in bed.   Blogging The purpose of these two goals is, yes, to grow myread more…


Sunday Evening Post #93

It has been a crazy, crazy week. I am glad to officially no longer be employed so that I can be pretty lazy this next week and not feel guilty about it. Not that I’m going to get to be that lazy, but I’m going to try.   Blogging The purpose of these two goals is, yes, to grow my blogs, but also to support and highlight blogs and bloggers I enjoy. Just like I willread more…


Sunday Evening Post #92

Once again this is going up late, though not as late as last week. I had meant for it to go up earlier, but Junebug had to stay overnight at the vet’s, and we weren’t able to go pick her up until after 3pm today. But as always, it took us over an hour to go, hear from the vet that she still can’t really be diagnosed (because she remains a medical mystery). During the day,read more…


Sunday Evening Post #91

I acknowledge that this post is going up late enough on Sunday night, that for some of my readers, it is actually Monday morning. This last week was not hugely productive for me. But hopefully I got my “bum” week out of the way, and I will be able to be more productive with my time from now on. However, the first few days of this coming week will be focused on studying for my professionalread more…


Sunday Evening Post #90

Today I finally pulled the trigger and bought myself a new laptop. I have been wanting one for a while, and CostCo had a great deal, so boom- new laptop. My intent is for this laptop to replace my desktop- eventually. I have to move everything over, which may take me a while (well, not really once I set up a shared folder on the laptop, but still…) Other than that, it’s been a fairly quietread more…


Sunday Evening Post #89

It has not been a good week. Tuesday, with the exception of a lovely birthday dinner with friends at our favorite Indian restaurant, was really one of the worst days I’ve ever had. It started with my finding out I need a root canal (the least awful of the awful things), and finished with making the decision to say goodbye to Howie dog. I feel like there are a ton of things I need to doread more…


Sunday Evening Post #88

I forgot to post last week, and this is getting up late tonight (mostly because there are still people in my house playing Last Night on Earth). Not a lot got accomplished in March, partly because I became 95% certain I would be losing my job early in the month and most of my energy has been focused on starting the job hunt and going over finances with C.   Blogging The purpose of these tworead more…