New to Us Car

I wrote before about our search for a new car. We bought a car on Tuesday. It was not new. In fact, it has almost 180,000 miles on it. And we paid almost $10k, after a trade in. And yet, I am still very happy about the purchase. Why? Because diesel engines are different. We actually considered a car with almost 300k miles on it.

We bought a 2003 Jetta Wagon GL TDI. We expect it to last at least 10 years, and we have no car payment. A lot of people I know are mystified at how much we paid for a car with that many miles on it, but I will repeat, diesels are different. On a car you expect to make it to 350k+ miles, at 180k miles, it still has half it’s lifespan.

But even with not having financing, buying a car takes a long time. Which is why there was no real post on Tuesday.