Packaging Matters

We try not to be picky about the brand for things where the brand just really doesn’t matter. For example, you don’t need brand name rubbing alcohol or Epsom salts. These things are going to do what they do exactly the same, regardless of the name on the packaging.

At the same time, I’ve found that while brand name may not matter, the packaging does- at least for the Epsom salts.

We use them in our baths to help relieve tired and sore muscles. As such, the salts often sit on the floor of the bathroom right next to the tub. Also right next to a dog water bowl. I have learned that unless I am desperate, I will not buy my Epsom salts from Safeway. I will always make the trip to Fred Meyer and  buy Kroger brand. Why? Packaging.



Safeway brand Epsom salts come in a paper milk style container. If it gets damp, the salts get damp and clump, or it starts to break.

Kroger Epsom salts come in a plastic zippable bag- exactly the kind of bag I end up having to put the Safeway container in.