Bits of Ephemera

Hi, my name is erin shanendoah, and I’m a Bejeweled Blitz Addict. What this means for you is that my addiction, combined with an inability to think of real content today, results in the following tidbits of information, and nothing really coherent.


  • Assuming my estimates of what the cars are worth and that our bank’s home value estimator can be trusted, C and I reached 6 figures in net worth last month.
  • As of July 5, we will owe less than $35k in non-house debt (all student loan debt).
  • I keep forgetting to figure in J’s rent and grocery money when I do my monthly cash flows. That means that once a month, I get a nice little boost to the balance in the account.
  • Over the last few weeks, we have sold books and movies for over $100. That money has not been put toward anything useful, but has basically become off the books allowance money, used for various things, including buying me two new pairs of jeans.
  • My brother has begun paying us back the loan we gave him. We have convinced him to take 6 months to pay us back, instead of three, so that he can build up his cash reserves.
  • C is officially done with school for the quarter. He could have graduated with a BA this year, but has decided to stay on to get his combo BA/BS. We thought it would only take one more year. We were wrong, it will take 2. In fact, there are almost no classes he needs offered at his school next year, so he might end up taking classes as a special student from a different state school.
  • I have a new logo for The Dog Ate My Wallet, but I haven’t gotten it scanned in yet. It may need some sharpening, as it’s a pencil sketch. Or I may go back to the artist and ask her to go over it in ink. We’ll see.


My friend Jana over at Daily Money Shot always has a Money Tune Tuesday. I love this idea, and while I won’t steal it, I thought today I would share with you a video of our favorite local band singing a song that is all about money- Pound a Week Rise – about coal miners asking for a raise.

You can find their facebook page here