Giving up Cable (and what we’ll do with the savings)

Our Comcast bill has never been cheap. But 2 years ago when the hubby lost his job, we were paying $150/month. We called them and switched to a smaller package, reducing our monthly cost about around $30- not a whole lot, I know, but it gave us some breathing room. Except that, it was only down by $30 for about 3 months. Then it started climbing back up again. By 9 months after we’d lowered our package, our monthly cost was back at $150/month. And there it stayed. Apparently, if you have cable and internet from Comcast, your bill needs to be $150/month. It doesn’t actually matter what channels you get, I don’t know.
But here’s what’s funny. We’ve decided to give up our cable television. For now, we’ll keep cable internet, but we’re working on clearing out our DVR so that the TV programming can go bye bye. That should save us about $100/month. Shortly after we made that decision, our cable bill went down. This month, it was less that $140. No idea why, just suddenly, $10 less than last month.
We may replace cable with satellite come the fall (and the new season of Mythbusters, the only one of my shows that I can’t figure out how to get online), but in the meantime, we’re going to see how happy we are with Netflix and possibly the paid Hulu. Since we already have Netflix, that means we’ll still save around $90/month.
Now, I just have to figure out what to do with that $90. Well, that’s not really true. I obsess over our budget. That $90 is going in to savings so that we have a good cushion for paying for the husband’s college courses and are able to take the couple mini-vacations I have planned without any debt.
Then, once the savings levels are a little higher, the dollars can go toward my graduate student loans.

I know they aren’t exciting plans, but the important part is to have the plan. Otherwise, our eating out budget would just go up $90/month when there’s absolutely no need for it