My First Post-MBA Job

uw_fountainDo you ever have those moments during the day when you stop and think- wow, this really is my job? I have been having those a lot lately. To say I am excited about the new job might be an understatement. A lot has to do with my recent post about being a leader. I am now in a position where I am not only expected to lead my team, I am expected to be a leader within the School of Medicine, and in some cases, across the entire campus. And I am surrounded by people who believe I can be that leader and want to support me in it.

Please know, I liked working for my last company, and I had great coworkers. But even though my title was manager, I was really a glorified analyst. I was not really expected to take the lead on anything, and when I tried to take the lead on areas that I felt were firmly within my domain, I would get push back from the directors in my department. I felt less involved in those management team meetings than I had in the ones I attended with my previous boss as her admin/note taker.

And it is a mindset change for me. A pretty big one. I really felt like a glorified admin in my previous role. Here, my title is Administrator, but it might as well be Director, and could very well be Director within a few years. In terms of pay, my previous position was my first post-MBA job. In terms of the work I am being asked to do, and the way I am being treated, this is my first post-MBA job.