Time Management Fail

DSCF2177You may have noticed that I appear to have lost all of my time management skills. It certainly feels that way to me, even though I know exactly how crazy life has been here, and that I am, in fact, managing to get a lot of things done every day, including all the actually necessary and important items. I love blogging, but truth be told, since it is not how I pay my bills, nor how I intend to pay my bills, posts can go up late by a few hours or a few days.

And so while I feel good about everything I am getting done, I do feel a little bad that I am letting my blogs, well, this blog in particular, pay the price. Last night, I wrote a post for Life by Pets, but chose not to write one for this blog, on the theory that I would write one during the day. The thing is, I knew, even as I was making that decision, it would not happen. How did I know that? Because I knew what my schedule today looked like.

Right now, I am trying to figure out a new routine. Because of the crazy that is our current life, it may take a week or two to settle, but our morning routine is coming together, so I hope the rest will fall into place soon.

One of the things I am realizing is that I, like children and dogs, do best when I have a routine. I don’t mind the occasional vacation where I do not have to punch a clock, but as a long term plan, it just won’t work for me. And given that, I cannot work a “work from home” job. I just can’t. I am not good enough at managing my time when there are a hundred little things (like putting away laundry) that I could be doing instead of working. Well, that and Bejeweled Blitz.

Going to an office makes it easier for me to put aside everything else and focus on work, or other tasks I set myself. Being at home makes it easier for me to decide that I can do something else instead.

So, please bear with me as I figure out the new “normal”, and adapt my time management skills to my new world.