The Dog Ate My Wallet

The Dog Ate My Wallet

Personal Finance in a World of Excuses

Category Archive: On the Job


Random Saturday Networking

One of the main points of the training I went through this last week was networking with a purpose. You would think I would be good at this, and I am, but only half way. I love meeting new people. I love making new connections that could become friends. And I enjoy talking to people about what they do and what they want to do. What I am not good at is the “with a purpose”read more…


My Last Week of Work

This is officially my last week of work. I will be “at work” more often this week than I was last week (when I showed up for a pot luck), but not much more. Today I met with my boss to go over the final transition plan, and Friday morning I’ll be going in for bagels and to turn in my badge, keys, credit card and remote access key fob. Plus, I’ll officially say goodbye toread more…


Test Taking

I take my test for the Certified Supply Chain Professional certification tomorrow. I am very good at tests, and I feel very comfortable with the information I have studied. However, I do not currently feel like I have studied all the material that will be covered on the test. This means I am a little stressed and still focusing on studying. This test is NOT inexpensive, and while re-taking it is less expensive, it’s still aread more…


I Am Bad At This

Today is day 3 of my administrative leave. I know that’s much time, but I have already come to the conclusion that I am bad at this. I had this idea for how I was going to manage my time, for everything I was going to get done, and so far, not happening. Blog posts have gone up late. I’ve done very little of my Coursera course work. I need to do a lot more studyingread more…


I am Getting a Bonus

Today’s post should have been my stock project update, but I haven’t had the time to do the analysis of it that I want to, so instead, you get to hear a little more about my lay off planning. I found out earlier this week that my current employer will be paying out bonuses related to 2012. Those of us whose positions have been selected for elimination will still be receiving that bonus. Through a bitread more…


Accepting that My Layoff is Not About Me

My boss is hoping that after this week, I only have to come into the office once or twice more. I had put together a schedule that had me in the office only three days next week, but she made a comment that I might not even need to come in that much. (I do need to come in Monday, I know that right now.) The thing is, is that while I am the person whoread more…


The Financial Side of My Layoff

I promised on Thursday that I’d write a post about the financial side of my layoff. Let’s start with the fact that while I did propose that my boss eliminate my position last September, I did not engineer my layoff. I am not going to “retire” early. Nor am I using this as an opportunity to start writing/blogging full time. Not that I couldn’t do those things. Well, I couldn’t retire early. No way do weread more…


Attitude is Everything

I have suspected I would be writing this post since last November. I’ve been pretty certain of it for the last month. As of this morning, it is official- I have been laid off. Before anyone freaks out for me, please know that I am good with this. I have had plenty of time to process and come to terms with it, and I know very much that this is not a reflection on me orread more…


Updating My Work Wardrobe (Someday)

The biggest problem with losing weight is that I need to buy a whole new work wardrobe, or, I will need to buy a whole new work wardrobe once I reach my goal weight. But in between now and then, I have clothes that don’t really fit me anymore and I’m trying to look professional in them. It is just as hard to look professional in clothes that are too bag as it is clothes thatread more…


Hand Me the Help Wanted Ads

I feel like I’m on a seesaw, and that my readers may start to think I’m unstable, or at the very least, wishy-washy. You see, I have made the decision to start semi-actively looking for a new position. Given everything we have going on with the adoption and the possibility of C applying out of state for a graduate program that would start fall of 2014, it seems like not exactly the best time to beread more…