Things My Dogs Are Not Good For
I love my dogs very much, and they are good for many things- like cuddles when I don’t feel well, kisses when I’m down, laughter pretty much anytime they’re awake, and always unconditional love. However, there are somethings my dogs are not good at, and one thing in particular that really came to light this last week.
My dogs are not good study partners.
Not only can they not help me study, they often actively work against it. Whether it’s the decision to scuffle right next to me, bark at anything that moves, or Junebug’s favorite, falling asleep with her head on my laptop, my dogs not only aren’t good for my studying, they are actively bad for it.
Luckily, I have passed my professional certification exam and no longer need to study. That means that starting tomorrow, I get to enjoy it when they decide to sleep on my mousing hand instead of being frustrated.