Agility Beagle Follow Up
I should mention that Junebug does NOT run the whole course. She likes the “catwalk” and will do the A-frame for food (though yesterday, she did do it just because we asked). With a piece of chicken treat right in front of her nose, I can guide her through the weave poles, though not quickly, and about half way through, she’ll start trying to take the treat from my fingers.
She does NOT do the jumps, and we haven’t really tried the tire tunnel. I expect I could get her to go through those with the treat right in front of her, like with the weave poles, but I haven’t tried it.
Larry, on the other hand, doesn’t do any of it. He is certainly better built for agility than she is, but he has zero interest in walking up anything and in general will just run around any obstacle.
What I do find amusing about trying to get Larry to do obstacles is that when we use treat to try and entice him, he will just sit and look at us. This is funny (to me) because normally, when we call the dogs to us at the dog park, we ask them to sit to get treat. But Larry will only half sit or sit for less than a second, because he doesn’t like sitting in the dirt. So when we try to get him to do the agility obstacles, he plants himself firmly in the dirt and won’t move. Funny.