The Dog Ate My Wallet

The Dog Ate My Wallet

Personal Finance in a World of Excuses

Category Archive: Debt


An Introduction of Sorts

I started this blog with the assumption that the only people who read it would be people who already knew me. But now that I’ve joined the Yakezie Challenge, I figured that maybe I should introduce myself. Since this is a personal finances blog, lets stick with the things that are most relevant to that. Demographics: Mid-30s, married, 2 dogs, homeowner (or mortgage holder, whatever you want to call it), 2 cars- both paid for, livingread more…


In Defense of 99 Weeks of Unemployment

There are a lot of people out there who are anti-the current unemployment system. They were especially against the recent constant extending of unemployment benefits. I can understand the reasons why, however, I believe that there are times when the government needs to participate in deficit spending, and this was one of the cases. (Would I have preferred it if the government had been smart enough to save for a rainy day when times were good?read more…