The Dog Ate My Wallet

The Dog Ate My Wallet

Personal Finance in a World of Excuses

Category Archive: On the Job


Go Take a Walk

I am one of those people who rarely thinks about their breaks at work. Unless I make specific other plans, I eat my lunch at my desk. I forget that I’m supposed to take breaks during the day. I just stay at my desk, working on whatever it is I’m working on, until my stomach tells me I’m hungry or I realize it’s time to go home. Or, at least that’s how I’ve been for theread more…


I Would Rather Work at McDonalds

I never had the typical high school first job. While my brother and many of my friends either worked fast food or retail, I did not. My first job was doing telephone surveys. I went from there to working in the financial aid office at the University. After that, I did do a one year stint at a local video rental store (remember those) which ended badly, and then, after a few months of unemployment foundread more…


The Work Holiday Party

Holiday party planning has been part of my job for years. We moved to Seattle Labor Day weekend 2001. I started my first job in the area on October 1. The two biggest projects I worked on in my first few months at that job- the company Oktoberfest party (one of the founders was German) and then the company Christmas party (which was the most amazing potluck ever). I left that company right after the Oktoberfestread more…


Becoming a Better Boss, Now That I Don’t Have Anyone to Boss Around

The last day of November was the last day my admin had a job. This was my first time laying off an employee and it wasn’t fun or easy. And now, I’m a manager with no one to manage. Actually, that doesn’t bother me as the work we were doing didn’t really need two people to do it, and I’m perfectly fine taking on the work she was doing for me. But now that I’m noread more…


The Importance of the Personal Touch

Or Why I Won’t Ever Change Insurance Agents I know who my insurance company is, but if you were to ask me who my insurance is with, I wouldn’t tell you a company name, I’d tell you the name of my insurance agent. I don’t worry about the company. I don’t worry about claims being handled quickly or appropriately, because I know my agent is on top of it. All it takes is one phone callread more…


Growing Your Professional Network

Do you use LinkedIn? Do you use it as an extension of your private life, or is it a professional network? I joined LinkedIn while I was in my MBA program. There was an informal competition to see who could get the most connections, after we had a guest speaker come in and talk about the power of social and professional networks. While I did not have the most connections, I was declared a “winner” byread more…


What’s the Worst that Could Happen?

I have mentioned a few times that right now, I think there is a 50/50 chance my current position will still exist by end of first quarter 2013. I have also said I am not stressing about it. How is that? Psychology Well, first and foremost, I currently still have a job. I will not know anything more until January, which gives me plenty of time to get used to the idea that I may beread more…


Merit Matters (Except When it Doesn’t)

Things are crazy here at work, in a reorganizational sense. Layoff notices went out last week, not to a lot of people, but enough, and across all levels of staff. (I laid off an admin. My executive director was also laid off.) While I’ve learned enough to know that I’ll still have a job come January, that’s only because the next round of layoffs won’t come until then. I’m still giving myself a 50/50 chance ofread more…


Jobs High Schoolers Have Never Heard Of: Contract Managers

This is the first post in a new series on jobs high schoolers have never heard of. I don’t mean literally, of course. Some high school students have parents or relatives who work in these jobs. At the same time, these aren’t jobs that most high school seniors would name if you asked them what they wanted to do after college. My goal is to highlight jobs that pay well (or very well), generally require aread more…


Crazy Couple of Days

I thought, even as I was on my way home from work today that I would write a real post. When we were headed back from the dog park at 6pm, I still thought I was going to write a real post. In fact, up until about three minutes ago, I thought I had the energy to write a real post. But, I don’t. I’ve spent the last two days trying to help the directors ofread more…