We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming…
Dogs, just like people, benefit from routines. They know when they are going to eat, when they are going to go out, when they get their walk, etc.
The thing is, sometimes the routines of our life are interrupted. And with a dog, you can’t explain why. You can’t tell them it will only be for a little while, and that can make things frustrating for the dog and the owner.
This week, my husband is out of town. And besides the fact that Junebug is a total Daddy’s girl, this disrupts an important part of their daily routine- bedtime.
You see, I go to bed much earlier than my husband most days, and the dogs normally stay up with him and get one last out.
Last night, they had to come to bed when I did, and it took them 2 additional outs and some barking at the window before they could settle down to sleep. And even then, there was still some restlessness, so waffling about where they wanted to sleep- on Daddy’s pillows? In the crook of Mommy’s legs? Maybe at her feet instead?
In the end, I ended up with one dog against my legs and another against my chest, and lucky for all of us the memory foam bed keeps me from tossing and turning.
This morning, Larry had moved a little ways away to have his own space, but June was still pressed against my chest, one leg hanging off the bed.
Tonight, we’ll repeat. And just about the time we get the new routine down, the husband will return.